Jason Hewlett

The Promise of Perspective


11 days ago was the last time I have been outside and even had the privilege to go for a car ride.

I had just returned home from the hospital, hopped up on all kinds of meds my body has never felt before, never been through surgery in my life, as my 44-year old body slinked out of the minivan with new crutches, entire leg in a brace, not permitted to bend the newly re-wired knee and torn patellar tendon for 3 months.

Helped from the car, to the steps, I breathed heavily as the meds forced a migraine and I just needed to get in the house, in the dark, to lay down and pass out.

Before I could get in, a neighbor walking by said a most perspective filled comment, as he observed my struggle getting up to my house.

“Hey!  Looks like you’re in pain and suffering with that leg injury!” he said.

I tried to play it off, “I’m sure it will be fine, my first surgery!  Tore my leg up pretty bad,” I said.

He returned with, “Well, you know what would have been worse?” 

“What?” I asked.

“Well, you could have burned to death!  That would have been worse!  Am I right?” as he laughed.

“Yes”, I said, “That would have been worse.  Or maybe a shark attack?” was all I could muster as a comeback to my neighbor’s demented attempt at humor.

“I don’t know!  Give me the sharks over the flame! Yo yo!” he laughed as he continued his walk.

I lumbered inside just in time to throw up and sleep for as long as possible.


I share this “perspective” experience from my neighbor, his dark humor, as he could have just said best of luck to you.  But I mean, his Netflix Special, if he does decide to go into comedy, would certainly be “lit”.

Yet the funny thing is that few people know what to say when others are going through difficult things.  Putting anything in “perspective” is hard to time it right, say it right, and do it right, so proceed with caution, or you may end up in a blog like mine as the bad example.  

I also received touching messages from friends who revealed illnesses I didn’t know they suffered with, and peers who wanted to say something and sent uplifting stories, humor, playfulness, and spiritual thoughts.

I appreciate all of the effort.  Some of it did put my situation into perspective.  All of it made me feel that they cared.

My best friend, Quinn Dietlein, randomly calls and asks, “Do you have 3 minutes?”

Which, of course I do, as he and his family band, my favorite band, Waiting For James, break into song over the phone (to hear them please check out their web site, cutest thing of all time).



The best person who nailed the humor was my friend Chad Hymas who made me scream out loud laughing with his comment.  If you know Chad, he is a quadriplegic and world-famous speaker who travels the world in his wheelchair, so this is the perfect way to have perspective and do humor.



Perspective is tough to have, unless someone has had pretty much the exact same experience as you, or something obviously worse.  And even then, it may still seem foreign how we should communicate with each other.

I appreciate perspective, I appreciate humor, I actually love dark humor, and burning to death humor aside, I can say I’m glad anyone would think they should attempt to go there with me even when I’m gussied up on all the pain meds.

The Promise of Perspective is to do all we can to find sympathy when we can’t express empathy, and the rest of the time to either just offer a heart emoji, a tear emoji, or a bro hug of shared sorrow for the pains we all suffer.

No need to compare suffer stories, this isn’t a competition.

Not all injuries are created equal.

Leave the fire jokes to the ones in the furnace.


We have kept the funny coming, and The Promise is alive and well with this experience.  Thanks to my son, Redford, for his help with this funny video we made in case you missed it:



Special Thanks to the many who have called, texted, sent cookies, food, rendered service, and other blessings we weren’t expecting but truly have needed, here are just a few photos of the givers and helpers in our life.

A very most special thanks to my angel Mother, Marsha, who has been here for over 2 weeks and I don’t think has slept the entire time, as well as my sister, Heather, who continues to come and massage my atrophying body so I can at least try to sleep.  My Dad also has given me a “life-preserver” gift, as I toss to and fro in the waves of my current situation, that is beyond generous.  Of course, Tami, and the children, have been amazing to help and hug and serve…and be patient with their unable to move much dad.


Evan Christensen and Tyler Bastian gave me a beautiful blessing pre-surgery


Riverton Orthopedics Team were amazing to work with


Patellar Tendon Tear Kneecap Injury 7-14-22


Kneecap on top of leg


New Leg!
Fruit Treat from my amazing assistant Heidi and her family


Honored by this post from my friend Dave Crenshaw promoting the coaching I’m doing for speakers



Heather, my Sister, Massaging me daily


In-Laws Visiting – my Mother-in-Law Diane has had knee replacement surgery on the same knee twice


Tami and Courtney


My Daughter Ella snuggling me in bed as all I want is to hug my kids


And a quick message to all of my clients who await my performances in August – I am healing FAST!

I will be there and it will be unforgettable for every attendee.

I will be on crutches and will need to not run like a Raptor, but I will be there.

We will have laughs til you cry.  We will have an amazing time.  Can’t wait to get back on stage and out of this dang bed!

I Promise it will be incredible.  See you soon.

~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Promise Legacy Project Coach
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to Create Legendary Leadership through the Power of Commitment
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”


10 Responses

  1. Dang it – not sure I can say “loved this post” because you wrecked your knee and that’s not part I loved.😢😏. But I loved insight on perspective – you are a great writer. Get welll soon and remember

    “It could have been better!” 🤨😂

    (Brian Regans routine on Captain Sully).

    1. Could have been better! hahaha. Love that. Thank you Kirk. It’s been a fascinating experience. I am learning a lot through it. Hope you are well.

  2. Indeed, what a great post about perspective and attitude! You could be sulking and having a pity party, but no, you are being honest, sharing feelings, and being real while not allowing this experience to diminish the spirit within you that lights up audiences everywhere. What a beautiful lesson for us all of your living the promise. Thank you and keeping you in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery!

  3. There is a lot to learn from your perspective on perspective. You and I are very close in age and I have been having some back pain lately that has really sidelined me. Not fun!

    However, my situation is nothing compared to what you are going through. I feel for you and wish you a speedy recovery. We are building a house right now and I was talking to my builder yesterday about his friend who just cut off four fingers at about his second knuckles. His profession…….cabinet maker. I wish I hadn’t looked at the pictures (same with your surgery pics! 😂). I have no idea who the man is that cut his fingers off, but I am overwhelmingly sad for him and feel a lot of compassion for him.

    Perspective is helpful. There is always someone who has it worse than you. We all go through challenges whether they be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Your story reminds me of the importance of having gratitude in our trials. It reminds me of the importance of the people around us and the seemingly little things that make a big difference. Things like the blessing, massages, our loved ones and the service they provide, the well-wishes, the snacks, the songs, the prayers and….some…..of the humor 😂. These little things, when added up, really are the big things. Perspective, people and prayers are all really important. You have amazing people around you and I am grateful! I am also grateful for you sharing your perspective on a weekly basis. You are making a difference…..even in your gimpy state! Prayers and gratitude coming from my perspective and I hope you recover well. Thank you for fulfilling your promise and for your perspective!



    1. Ben, your comment is incredible. I’m sorry about your friend and fingers. Wow. Thanks for being here and this great comment.

  4. Pretty ironic that there are a couple of million+ folks world-wide studying JOB in the Old Testament this week. So sorry for your pain Jason, but so happy that you have shared your story so eloquently and that you’ve not lost your determination to stay true to your promise. No doubt you’ll be coming out on top–somehow better and stronger for the experience–like JOB. Thanks for taking us along with you!

    1. hahahah. I love that you picked up on this. Job is the ultimate example to all of us. I appreciate your kind words my friend and great to hear from you!

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