Jason Hewlett

The COVID Test

  As I waited for the required 15 minute COVID test to give its results allowing me to join the event I had flown across country to participate in, the sweat began to bead on my forehead. This event was booked 7 months prior. Due to all of the cancelled flights over the holidays, knowing […]

Are All Canadians Like This?

Did you see the video of the Canadian ice skater who took 3rd place but ended up being a hero in Japan? It’s quite remarkable and literally needs no set up from me if you just click the link to watch, enjoy, and try not to shed a tear:   https://youtu.be/uXZr9DVW3cU?t=202   As you can […]

Your New Year Promise 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022 Sat on the couch with Royal, 10-yrs old, and discussed what he wants to become, create, and accomplish in 2022. We didn’t use words like “Goals”, “Resolutions”, or “Intentions”, we just simply talked about things he wanted to improve, work on, become. “Get better at skateboarding” was first, and then I […]

My Yoda, My Mentor: Chris Poulos 1931-2021

  Tuesday was busy.  Life and Christmas errands got in the way, and suddenly the week was filling up with last minute needs, but I went anyway. A 45-minute drive to my old mentor’s home, Chris Poulos, whom I hadn’t seen in months due to my travels, kids being sick, and his frail state of […]

What Gift Will You Give?

Christmas is this week, and many holidays are being celebrated this time of year – I hope you have a wonderful season filled with traditions and memories. These are times to be with family, eat til we’re filled, and be grateful for our health. Conversely, this may be a time of mourning the passing of […]

The Profitability of Integrity

Did you hear the fascinating story about the French mountaineer who found a box of precious gems and decided to do something most wouldn’t do?  Read on! ~ Can you make money from your Integrity? I stand firm in the belief that people do business with those they TRUST, can COUNT ON, and when you […]

You Never Know Who’s Listening

  A few weeks ago I did an event, called a “fireside”, where the entire city was invited, and the high school auditorium rented out, with an expected audience of over 1,000 for a Saturday evening. From the looks of things about 100 people showed up. When you get 10% of the audience you were […]

Zumba Thanksgiving with Heather

Thanksgiving morning is the true gym-goers test of commitment.  You look around to see who is really all-in, checking to observe if the regulars who are there every weekday are still going to show up. I was there at 5 AM and saw only a few of “the usuals”, and had conflicting thoughts: Thought #1 […]

Gratitude Prayer at the Business Lunch

The conversation was going well until our food came to the table. Suddenly, the business colleague I had been chatting it up with across from me was absolutely silent, still, bowed head, eyes closed – praying over his lunch. I had done this in times past myself, mostly when in the southern states where praying […]

Speaker Club

  What’s the deal with someone who is terrified of speaking? Truth is: Speaking may be the very scariest thing for a human to do, according to some research about how difficult speaking is. According to Jerry Seinfeld ~ People prefer dying over speaking at the funeral.     How can you get over your […]

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