Jason Hewlett

Your Favorite President

Who is your Favorite President of the United States? And why? I grew up in the eras of Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and have raised children during eras of Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden. It’s amazing to think there have been so few presidents in my lifetime, only 8 of them, as I’m a few […]

Do The Right Thing

  The young player committed his 5th foul, with applause from the opposing team, as the kid who kept hitting everyone would finally be fouled out of the game. Looking over at the opposite bench, it was obvious there would be a discrepancy as the final few minutes of the game was played. The other […]

The Cheerleader

This past week I received phone calls and texts from the following: A former American Idol semi-Finalist An NCAA Basketball Champion and local Utah Jazz legend A viral Instagram & TikTok Star/Comedian The Founder & Owner of a multi-million dollar health company Each of these amazing people, the top of their field, reached out with […]

The Empty Gym

  It is the final week of January 2024. For the last few weeks I have noticed a trend at my local gym: Week 1, the gym was bursting at the seams and overcrowded; Week 2, no matter the time of day, it was less busy; Week 3, even less issue of finding a machine […]

Does Your Company Got Talent?

As the two co-workers took the stage, ready to sing a karaoke version of what Billboard has called the greatest song duet of all time, the epic ballad “Endless Love” by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross, I sat off to the side squinting and squirming anticipating the train wreck we were about to witness. Having […]

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