Jason Hewlett

The Promise to The Audience: Your Customer

Jason on big screen in front of audience

  Have you ever been to a concert of a LEGEND and expected to enjoy ALL of their Classic hits? Nothing better than when a LEGEND delivers on the Promise to sing the songs you paid to hear as an Audience. Ever been to a concert where the Artist didn’t keep The Promise? I went to […]

The Promise of Appreciation

  How many times have you been on a plane and thought, “I sure hope this pilot doesn’t succeed today!” Hmmm.  Probably never. As a Dad I rarely recall thinking, “I hope on Christmas Day on our 2-week vacation to Kauai the kids will ask, ‘Why didn’t Santa bring us more presents this year?’” (yes, […]

How’d He Get In The Speaker Hall of Fame?

                          “Your son has some, well…. challenges,” the teacher began. “Such as,” asked the mother. “Well, reading is an issue in multiple areas, especially out loud and comprehension.  Same with math, the concepts just aren’t working in his mind.  His writing is compromised and his handwriting […]

How Keynoting for Keynote Speakers Almost Killed Me

“You think you’re a ‘Speaker’?  You think you’re a ‘Keynoter’?  I’m sorry to break it to you, but you have no content, no message, and no one considers you a Speaker from what I just heard you do up there.  You are an ‘Entertainer’, you are ‘After Dinner Entertainment’, that’s it!  Don’t try and be anything […]

Jim Carrey: The Most Unappreciated Actor Ever

  Sully is now in theaters receiving rave reviews!  With the movie Philadelphia, and then Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks made the unprecedented transition in a little over a decade from comedies such as Bosom Buddies, Money Pit, and The Man with One Red Shoe, to two-time Oscar-Winner (1994-1995), quickly regarded as one of the most respected […]

Quantity Time vs. Quality Time

The honor of my life is to be a Dad. Over the years I have restructured my entire existence around one concept: Quality Time vs. Quantity Time as a Dad. I used to swoop in for the big moments of my children’s lives to say I was there, using the phrase “Quality Time” as my […]

The New Web Site – The Promise

Welcome to The New Web Site – The Promise The Promise is the “Jason Hewlett Brand”, it is the new push we are going with, the wording we have searched for as a team, finally properly defined, after 16 years of working on it. The Promise is all encompassing of every message you’ve heard me […]

Why You Want Recommendations Before You Buy

Before you head out to grab a bite to eat at a new place you probably, like me, Google reviews, ask your trusted network on Facebook to see if it’s worth it, and whatever you read is generally what you’ll do.  Good Review: Let’s Go!  Bad Review: Send the In-Laws. Having an Event Planner say […]

Why You Want Recommendations Before You Buy

  Before you head out to grab a bite to eat at a new place you probably, like me, Google reviews, ask your trusted network on Facebook to see if it’s worth it, and whatever you read is generally what you’ll do.  Good Review: Let’s Go!  Bad Review: Send the In-Laws. Having an Event Planner […]

A Day in the Life: A Non-Gig Day

Movie Premiere for “Saturday’s Warrior” Last night at a movie premiere of a classic remake my friends have been working on for years, I was approached by multiple people in the foyer with a look of surprise on their face to see me.  In essence they all said how they were surprised to even see […]

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