Jason Hewlett

The Promise to The One: YOU

  For past 6 months I have been burning the candle and running on all cylinders. If you follow me on social media you know about my travels, perhaps you’ve seen me one day in Kauai, the next day in Vermont, and the next day in Montana. So grateful for the work and opportunity, yet […]

The Legendary Leader Who Plays Along

  Have you ever had a leader that you wished would let their hair down once in a while? You knew it was in them, but they just took themselves so serious? Not to say you want to see recklessness, but you also want to see they are human. Of late certain leaders have gotten […]

John B. Hewlett, Legendary Performer

  In June 2018 I had the unique opportunity to speak to the Million Dollar Round Table with over 15,300 in the audience in Los Angeles, CA. I had submitted my name for 17 years to get on their stage and it finally happened. What the audience didn’t realize is that I was very familiar […]

The Promise That Scares You

  “You have more in you.  You MUST share it. You have no choice and I will not allow you to continue until you do.”     Have you heard this voice before?   It may sound frightening, and to be frank, it is.   But that is the voice in your soul talking.  Are […]

Goals vs Promises – The Process

  Why set a goal when we can make a promise? If you’ve heard me speak about The Promise, The Engagement Experience, you’ve heard me say that phrase. A lot of people are confused. They go, “Does that mean there’s no more goals?” No. That’s not what that means, but all you have to do […]

Where It All Began: Kauai, HI

    Raptor loose in Kauai!   I guess you could call me a sentimental guy. Here I am, one hour left before I fly away from beautiful Kauai Island, but I’m here in Lihue, where pretty much a lot of my career creativity began. Back in March of 2000, we came here with my […]

The Promise of Discipline

  Watch this post here:   Have you ever been to a conference where the view out your hotel window looked like this? What is fascinating to me is how often events are held at the great resorts of the world, with views such as this, and we are expected to still do our work, […]

My Confession You Didn’t See Coming

  For the past few years I have been re-branding my career, message, and performance at a dizzying pace.  It has been one of the most rewarding and challenging times of my life. The main question I receive from friends, family, and anyone who knew me before I became known as the ‘Entertaining Speaker who […]

First Class Upgrade

  What Would You Do?    Upgraded from Coach to First Class on my flight to Atlanta and sat in my big comfy seat. Woman seated beside me hands her special pillow to the man passing us, as her husband walks by and sits behind us. In Coach. I asked, “Is that your husband?” She […]

The Broken Promise of MoviePass

Not one to say told ya so, but I remember the first time I heard about MoviePass. Sounded too good to be true. For a very low monthly membership fee of $9.95, you could see one movie per day in the theatre! Friends of mine flocked to COSTCO and online to get this latest and […]

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