Jason Hewlett

I Am Who I Am That is That

  This past week I was reintroduced to this most powerful and uplifting song: “I Am Who I Am That is That”. It came on the heels of receiving another round of very hurtful comments, messages, and other difficult things people send me due to my writings, opinions on social media, and leadership roles across […]

The Never-Ending Thank You Gift

  Not wanting to exaggerate the numbers, I believe I’ve done about 3 mentoring calls per week for the last 15 years with those looking to become a speaker, wanting advice on business, or hoping to make it in the entertainment life of showbiz. I enjoy most of these calls, and feel it important to […]

Honoring Those Who Helped Us Get There – Shannon Sharpe

  I have spent 12 hours today working on outlines, examples, and stories for my next 20 YouTube videos. These 10+ minute each videos will be recorded this coming Friday, a marathon of challenging filming that stresses the body and mind, but the outlines are due a week prior, and may be the toughest work […]

Your Daily Routine

  For years I have worked to create a daily routine that starts off my day in the ideal ways of Promise-level living. You may already have yours down pat, for which I would like to know what you do, if you’re willing to comment below some of the secrets of your success. The more […]

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