Jason Hewlett

The Promise To Change It Up

  In August I spoke to a huge audience.  It was so fun! Viewing the footage afterward, I was quite disappointed in how I looked, even as I had been very committed to looking the part and feeling good… and so I – you guessed it – made a NEW Promise. Since August, half a […]

Your New Year Promise 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022 Sat on the couch with Royal, 10-yrs old, and discussed what he wants to become, create, and accomplish in 2022. We didn’t use words like “Goals”, “Resolutions”, or “Intentions”, we just simply talked about things he wanted to improve, work on, become. “Get better at skateboarding” was first, and then I […]

What Gift Will You Give?

Christmas is this week, and many holidays are being celebrated this time of year – I hope you have a wonderful season filled with traditions and memories. These are times to be with family, eat til we’re filled, and be grateful for our health. Conversely, this may be a time of mourning the passing of […]

You Never Know Who’s Listening

  A few weeks ago I did an event, called a “fireside”, where the entire city was invited, and the high school auditorium rented out, with an expected audience of over 1,000 for a Saturday evening. From the looks of things about 100 people showed up. When you get 10% of the audience you were […]

Zumba Thanksgiving with Heather

Thanksgiving morning is the true gym-goers test of commitment.  You look around to see who is really all-in, checking to observe if the regulars who are there every weekday are still going to show up. I was there at 5 AM and saw only a few of “the usuals”, and had conflicting thoughts: Thought #1 […]

Gratitude Prayer at the Business Lunch

The conversation was going well until our food came to the table. Suddenly, the business colleague I had been chatting it up with across from me was absolutely silent, still, bowed head, eyes closed – praying over his lunch. I had done this in times past myself, mostly when in the southern states where praying […]

The Broken Promise: $100k Gone!

The other night I did a LIVESTREAM on Facebook (or “Meta”, whatever it’s called now) that was a surprising story to even those who have known me for over 20 years and thought they knew every moment of the journey. Here’s a story about losing $100,000 at a pivotal moment in my life, and with […]

Royal’s Pumpkins and Keeping The Promise to Enjoy This Season of Life!

  Royal wanted me to carve this football pumpkin!?! As if I’m Leonardo da Pumpkin carver. I tried my best, and Royal held up my “sorry son, this is the best I can do” attempt, loud and proud!     And then he carved his own pumpkin, gleefully stabbing it in the head in the […]

Walk To Water

  What is your Promise Impact? Recently my friend, Heidi Totten, perhaps one of the greatest Impact Makers I’ve ever known, told me she and her gal pals were going to do a “WALK TO WATER” for women in Kenya: each of her friends walking 100 miles over a month+ long adventure. I asked if […]

You Missed It: Live2Lead

If you weren’t with us in SLC the past few days then you missed out in a big way. Our Live2Lead event was a HUGE success, and the ultimate launch to The Promise Institute. It was incredible to sit back and watch as our Founders led the way, guiding the VIP Experience with The Leadership […]

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