Jason Hewlett

Facing The Fear: Promise to Self

  In the movie “The Wizard of Oz”, little Toto the dog discovers the all and powerful Oz behind the curtain. Oz is freaked, tells them “Don’t mind the man behind the curtain!!!” Well, I’m no Oz great and powerful, but here on this blog I pull the curtain back willingly with the intention of […]

Becoming Legendary Leaders: The Promise to Mentor

  “Your son has some, well…. challenges,” the teacher began. “Such as,” asked the mother. “Well, reading is an issue in multiple areas, especially out loud and comprehension.  Same with math, the concepts just aren’t working in his mind.  His writing is compromised and his handwriting is illegible.  He seems fine with social skills and making friends, but […]

The Rebel & The Promise

  A little over a week ago I sat at my home office desk and wrote a letter, with tears in my eyes, to my family. It was to be my final thoughts, hopes, and dreams for them. I left it in my desk drawer to be found in case I never returned home from […]

The Promise to Adapt

  Last week our family came home to a dishwasher that had flooded our kitchen, warped the wood floors, water seeped into the basement, and the ensuing mess that creates. Insurance adjusters, disaster cleanup professionals, holes drilled in the basement ceiling, cracks in our floors, high-powered fans and de-humidifiers now cover our home, as we […]

Thank You RootsTech

  This past Saturday morning I thought I was simply introducing the world’s greatest ukulele player, Jake Shimabukuro, and then closing out the final session as Emcee of RootsTech, the largest genealogy conference on the planet. However, as I settled in to gather my thoughts for the words I might say in half an hour […]

The Choice Between

  2 Mondays ago we welcomed the newest member to our family, a beautiful, excited, chew everything, diarrhea everywhere, happy Goldendoodle 8-week old pup. His name is Buster Silvermine Bojangles Dude Hewlett. We love him. As we got all set up, after a trip to the store to buy a kennel, bed, and chew toys, […]

The Promise: Raising Legendary Leaders

  The other day a man took my order at a restaurant. When I began to speak his eyes widened and he said, excitedly, “You’re Jason Hewlett!  You came to my school when I was in 3rd grade.  That was the best assembly of my life!”  Looking at his full grown beard, head balding, and […]

Thank You 2018

  As you look back on 2018 may I make a recommendation? Some of us will say, “Yeah baby!  That was awesome!” Others of us will say, “Holy heavens, I can’t believe it’s over.  Bring on a New Year!”  Wherever you stand, know that sometimes the most important thing we can think are simply thoughts […]

The Honor of Service: Officer David Romrell

    This past week I performed at an event every day. Decembers are like that. However, this December has been different. A few corporate dates sprinkled in between some very heart-wrenching charity work and service. It is a privilege to be asked to lift the wounded through music, laughter, and message.  Yet it can […]

The Promise of Self-Preservation

  As the physical therapist strapped weights to my forehead pulling back, and weights to the stem of my neck pulling forward, he looked at me and asked, “How long are you going to keep hurting yourself?”  It had been 6 months of intense fixing: chiropractors, yogis, personal trainers, physical therapists, and anything I could […]

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