Jason Hewlett

Are All Canadians Like This?

Did you see the video of the Canadian ice skater who took 3rd place but ended up being a hero in Japan? It’s quite remarkable and literally needs no set up from me if you just click the link to watch, enjoy, and try not to shed a tear:   https://youtu.be/uXZr9DVW3cU?t=202   As you can […]

Your New Year Promise 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022 Sat on the couch with Royal, 10-yrs old, and discussed what he wants to become, create, and accomplish in 2022. We didn’t use words like “Goals”, “Resolutions”, or “Intentions”, we just simply talked about things he wanted to improve, work on, become. “Get better at skateboarding” was first, and then I […]

The Profitability of Integrity

Did you hear the fascinating story about the French mountaineer who found a box of precious gems and decided to do something most wouldn’t do?  Read on! ~ Can you make money from your Integrity? I stand firm in the belief that people do business with those they TRUST, can COUNT ON, and when you […]

You Never Know Who’s Listening

  A few weeks ago I did an event, called a “fireside”, where the entire city was invited, and the high school auditorium rented out, with an expected audience of over 1,000 for a Saturday evening. From the looks of things about 100 people showed up. When you get 10% of the audience you were […]

Zumba Thanksgiving with Heather

Thanksgiving morning is the true gym-goers test of commitment.  You look around to see who is really all-in, checking to observe if the regulars who are there every weekday are still going to show up. I was there at 5 AM and saw only a few of “the usuals”, and had conflicting thoughts: Thought #1 […]

Speaker Club

  What’s the deal with someone who is terrified of speaking? Truth is: Speaking may be the very scariest thing for a human to do, according to some research about how difficult speaking is. According to Jerry Seinfeld ~ People prefer dying over speaking at the funeral.     How can you get over your […]

The Broken Promise: $100k Gone!

The other night I did a LIVESTREAM on Facebook (or “Meta”, whatever it’s called now) that was a surprising story to even those who have known me for over 20 years and thought they knew every moment of the journey. Here’s a story about losing $100,000 at a pivotal moment in my life, and with […]

Worst Service Ever

Sitting in a restaurant the other night I wondered if our food was ever going to come to the table after having waited an unreasonable amount for a server to take our order before remembering to bring water. As a business owner, I know there is an employment challenge right now, and as those in […]

Applause for Jim: AV Guy

  Let’s highlight Jim. At 7 AM on Thursday morning I showed up for a standard sound check prior to speaking for TUG, an association I had been booked to speak for over 2 years. Finally the event, postponed since last year, was here! Something was wrong with my laptop not connecting to the system, […]

Tsunami: A Raw and Rare Example of The Promise To The Team

  For years, my wife and I have enjoyed the incredible sushi of Tsunami, in particular their South Jordan, UT location. This place is ALWAYS packed. Lines out the door oftentimes, and has been that way since it first opened in our community. Tsunami’s Signature Moves: Be the best, high end choice for sushi.  Their […]

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