Jason Hewlett

Ukraine’s Zelensky and Promise Leadership

Unfolding by the minute, we watch horrified as Russia invades Ukraine, crimes against humanity and illegal strikes on innocent civilians.  We ask: How can this happen in today’s world? When I heard Putin’s military convoy 40 miles long was headed for Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, I figured we’d learn of the Ukrainian administration flying away in […]

Worth Jail Time

A man who had served in four tours of duty for the US Military, received three Purple Hearts, experienced extreme difficulty integrating back into society due to PTSD, anxiety, and having nearly been killed multiple times in war. Once back home, veteran Joseph Serna was on probation for his alcohol struggles, which he used to […]

The Promise To Change It Up

  In August I spoke to a huge audience.  It was so fun! Viewing the footage afterward, I was quite disappointed in how I looked, even as I had been very committed to looking the part and feeling good… and so I – you guessed it – made a NEW Promise. Since August, half a […]

Choking on McDonald’s

Sydney Raley, a 15-year old McDonald’s employee, noticed a customer in the drive-thru lane choking on a chicken nugget. Most teens I know would start screaming, pointing, or not even notice at all… Sydney is not most teens. Without hesitation, she leaped through the drive-thru window, opened the car door, instructed the victim’s daughter to […]

The COVID Test

  As I waited for the required 15 minute COVID test to give its results allowing me to join the event I had flown across country to participate in, the sweat began to bead on my forehead. This event was booked 7 months prior. Due to all of the cancelled flights over the holidays, knowing […]

Are All Canadians Like This?

Did you see the video of the Canadian ice skater who took 3rd place but ended up being a hero in Japan? It’s quite remarkable and literally needs no set up from me if you just click the link to watch, enjoy, and try not to shed a tear:   https://youtu.be/uXZr9DVW3cU?t=202   As you can […]

My Yoda, My Mentor: Chris Poulos 1931-2021

  Tuesday was busy.  Life and Christmas errands got in the way, and suddenly the week was filling up with last minute needs, but I went anyway. A 45-minute drive to my old mentor’s home, Chris Poulos, whom I hadn’t seen in months due to my travels, kids being sick, and his frail state of […]

The Profitability of Integrity

Did you hear the fascinating story about the French mountaineer who found a box of precious gems and decided to do something most wouldn’t do?  Read on! ~ Can you make money from your Integrity? I stand firm in the belief that people do business with those they TRUST, can COUNT ON, and when you […]

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