Jason Hewlett

The Helmet

The other day I passed a family of bike riders. They all had helmets on, with the Dad in front leading the way, Mom in the middle of the pack helping the youngest children, and what looked like an 11-year old as caboose. He had his helmet on, but the strap hung to the side. […]

My Genius Grandma – Julie Hayes Hewlett 1941-2023

It’s hard to write with tears in your eyes… Julie Hewlett was the grandparent I had the longest, and even losing her the week I turned 45, is hard to comprehend she is gone. 46 years ago she married my Grandpa Lester Hewlett, in his mid 50’s, after his children and family had already been […]

5 Summers: Updated to 1 Summer Left

  June 2019 I wrote a blog entitled 5 Summers, here’s a link if you didn’t see it. I just got choked up looking at it. Oh my. I’m updating that post to be called, the sobering title of: 1 Summer Left  That’s all we’ve got, and this is the busiest summer to date! We […]

Happy Father’s Day

  In less than 4 hours on the Saturday before this Father’s Day the following occurred: I picked up my youngest son’s bike from the shop, where the flat tire was repaired, and we added a suspension fork to make riding more comfortable and fun; The AAA guy came by, broke into our car, where […]

The Soloist

  Pressing play rarely brings tears immediately, but this one did. My 2nd cousin, Hilary, had found a box of tapes, recordings from somewhere in the 1940’s or 50’s, converted now to digital, and sent them to me to share with our entire extended family. It was as if I was handed a gift directly […]

80-hours to China and Back

  Hi My Friend. This blog will be short and sweet. Last Tuesday I had an event in Chicago that was awesome. Tomorrow I leave my home at 4 AM to go to Indianapolis for my next event. I have had those booked for quite a while now. And then an opportunity came up that […]

The Father’s Promise – Josh’s Story

  With apologies to those who follow me on social media, I am sharing what I posted this past Wednesday about my brother, Josh Hewlett, for his birthday, which had already garnered 20 Comments and 126 Likes within 2 hours of posting. In other words – this post resonated!  And I’m adding to it as […]

Subscriber Retires

Each week I log into my newsletter portal, after the launch of a new blog post, and see how many of my emails were opened, clicked on, bounced, or sent to spam. As someone who invests a lot into writing from the heart, I have to look at the numbers through the lens of my […]

Ice on the Windshield

Snow and ice are everywhere. It’s incredible and wonderful and terrifying to drive in. Not because of my driving, but everyone else! Crazy and insane people! Yesterday I saw a teenager driving down the street with a windshield covered over in ice. The whole thing! Her driver’s side window was down so she drive! Not […]


  I hired a photographer to update my head shots. There’s an old joke about not updating your head shots enough. It’s the one where the event planner hires the speaker, prints his head shot, and goes to the airport to pick him up for the event. Waiting there, she is looking at the head […]

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