Jason Hewlett

The Father’s Promise – Josh’s Story


With apologies to those who follow me on social media, I am sharing what I posted this past Wednesday about my brother, Josh Hewlett, for his birthday, which had already garnered 20 Comments and 126 Likes within 2 hours of posting.

In other words – this post resonated! 

And I’m adding to it as well: The Rest of the Story, which I didn’t share on that post but will here, and you don’t want to miss this.

Here’s that original post from April 6, 2023.


Happy birthday to this guy.

He may not like that I’m posting a photo of us from Jan 2022 hiking in St George, UT when he was at this size, but I have to brag on him a bit.

After this moment he dedicated and made me a Promise at this spot to lose 100 lbs.

And then he did.

Within the same year.

Through eating clean, exercise, and walking miles upon miles every day, up until midnight in cold and exhaustion most days to get it in.

Yes, that’s a true story and The Promise in action unlike any I’ve seen in my life.


Sweating his guts out as the fastest guy in the biking class every day


Sweaty Selfie


He is now on a new journey to lose another round of weight while building his muscle back to his powerlifting days.

I’m so proud of my brother Josh.

He is a great blessing in my life and the many he influences for good.

He is an incredible Dad, Uncle and friend.

He is an example of greatness.

Thanks for the laughs my brother and 39 amazing years.

Love you man.



Here’s another part of the story not shared previously, which he has hesitantly given me permission to share.

When he promised me he would lose 100 lbs it wasn’t just for himself, although that’s a huge Promise to The One.

He said, “I want to be a better Dad, and I need to make this Promise to my health so I can be there for my family.” 

That’s one way to really keep a Promise.

Here’s the Rest of the Story…

As a powerlifter and strongman, his great dream has always been to attend The Arnold Classic, which happens annually in Columbus, Ohio.

He was recently invited by a peer to attend and would have it paid for.

It was his version of winning a trip to Disneyland, to see muscle bound dudes doing what he’s always wanted to get to in his life.

And then he got a call from his son.

“Hey Dad! We just made the championship for our basketball team! It’s in a few weeks. This is incredible we made it!”

Yes, as you may have guessed, the championship for his 14-year old’s game fell on the same day as The Arnold Classic, in SLC, Utah.


What would you do? 

It depends upon your Promise.

Josh has made some significant promises in the past year, including losing 100 lbs, all while working nonstop to assist in building a health company’s business to over a million a month, and his biggest promise yet:

To be the kind of Dad any kid would want to have. 

That is his Promise as a Father.

Without hesitation, Josh called his friend and said he could no longer make it to The Arnold Classic.

His friend was floored and confused, but Josh simply said, “My son has a championship basketball game and I can’t miss it.” 

No one would know this part of the story if I weren’t telling it right now, since Josh didn’t tell anyone else.

He just silently kept The Promise to his son.

Not all heroes wear capes.

Not all heroes have their stories told.

But I’m thrilled to have found this one out, so I could tell you.

I hope it makes you consider your Promise, whether it’s to better your health, commit to your work, or keep a Promise to your child.

The outcome of the championship game wasn’t what was hoped for, but the runner-up still got a trophy for getting to that point in the season, and this photo below was taken.

The Father’s Promise: Nothing in the world would have let him miss this moment, win or lose, to be there and cheer on his son. 

That is Josh’s story and the Father’s Promise.


Josh & Jaxon Hewlett


~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Coach & Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to Create Legendary Leadership through the Power of Commitment
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”


14 Responses

  1. An amazing story, Jason! I always enjoy reading these types of stories; they give me hope for my future self. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  2. What a wonderful example of the Promise he kept to his son. Josh you are an amazing man. Keep up all the great work you are doing. Thanks for sharing Jason.

  3. Wow, what a great story of accomplishment and priorities of your brother. When family comes first, his son will always have that memory of his dad being there! Unlike the son that remembers his father never being there for him, when priorities and family committment aren’t a promise…….just saying too many kids now a days have the latter.

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