Jason Hewlett

Subscriber Retires

Each week I log into my newsletter portal, after the launch of a new blog post, and see how many of my emails were opened, clicked on, bounced, or sent to spam. As someone who invests a lot into writing from the heart, I have to look at the numbers through the lens of my […]


  I hired a photographer to update my head shots. There’s an old joke about not updating your head shots enough. It’s the one where the event planner hires the speaker, prints his head shot, and goes to the airport to pick him up for the event. Waiting there, she is looking at the head […]

The Unspoken Promise

Tuesday: My dear friend posted on social media that her mother had shockingly and unexpectedly passed away a few days prior. Reading this on social media from my hotel room in Reno, NV, where I was stationed with events for nearly the whole week, I was saddened to not be able to race to her […]

Meeting Dr. J

  Dr. J. Yes, the Legend, Dr. Julius Erving of basketball fame and greatness, was in the same restaurant as our family having lunch today. Of course, we had followed him there, since this was All-Star weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the first time our city has hosted these festivities since 1993. I […]

22nd Valentine’s Day

  “What is the secret to being happily married for 22 years?” This is a question I have been asked recently, and as we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, here’s one suggestion I feel can help you keep The Promise to the one you love. If you know your spouse has a Favorite Thing, then […]

$100 Tip

In my wallet I always carry a $100 bill. If my posting this leads to me being mugged, so be it! Come and get your Benjamin, you cranky little thief. I have it there as a “just in case” for when a credit card has some issue, the power is out at a store and […]


Vanilla is plain. It is perfectly unoffensive, pristine, nearly flavorless, and the exact extract I wanted to be known for from the beginning of my career. Growing up in an extremely religious state, espousing the same beliefs as the majority, it became apparent quickly that my path to success among my people would be to […]

Waterford: Return to My High School

  When was the last time you walked the hallways of your high school? I swear those classrooms were bigger, doorways taller, and common spaces intimidatingly more judgmental. It was 25 years ago that I was last able to grace the very classrooms I once sat in, eyes peering out the window, wishing I could […]

The Cold Shower Dilemma

Scroll through social media and you will likely run into alpha dudes with their shirts off, bulging muscles, jumping out of a barrel of ice water, shouting at you to wake up at 4 AM every day and be manly enough to do the daily cold plunge. Or maybe that’s just in my algorithm. Yours […]

Handing Over The Mic

Friday night was our son’s first high school basketball game, along with all boys basketball teams of every age. Annually they play a team called the Vipers, who have special needs and are incredible and inspiring to watch, as we boo our sons and cheer on this visiting team. It’s quite an experience. They rarely […]

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