Jason Hewlett

A Tale of Two Employees

  “I hate going to work everyday,” he quickly admitted after our call had just begun.  “It’s like they know I’m needed to fill a spot but I don’t feel needed in any other way.  It’s like they don’t see what I could bring, my unique skillset and experience.  I don’t know how much longer […]

Facing The Fear: Promise to Self

  In the movie “The Wizard of Oz”, little Toto the dog discovers the all and powerful Oz behind the curtain. Oz is freaked, tells them “Don’t mind the man behind the curtain!!!” Well, I’m no Oz great and powerful, but here on this blog I pull the curtain back willingly with the intention of […]

The Rebel & The Promise

  A little over a week ago I sat at my home office desk and wrote a letter, with tears in my eyes, to my family. It was to be my final thoughts, hopes, and dreams for them. I left it in my desk drawer to be found in case I never returned home from […]

The Evolution of Signature Moves

Confession: From 2006-2018 I had no idea I was harming people. The message of “Signature Moves” started out innocently enough as a message to help others recognize their talents, gifts, and skills. What I hadn’t realized was that, as Speaker and Performer, I was a surgeon of the mind and heart for the listener! Standing […]

When To Stick Your Hand in the Toilet

This week I received a very troubling email from our son’s teacher. It was addressed to all parents of boys in the classroom. Apparently someone had pulled one of the many handmade paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and stuck it in the toilet of the boys bathroom. This was brought to our teacher’s attention […]

The Power of Having Fun

  How much FUN have you had lately?  Do you give your schedule room for it on a daily basis?  If not, you are missing out on one of the most essential aspects of a successful career and life. I made a promise to have more fun while I work and at home and it […]

Our Hidden Promises

  Had a conversation with one of my dear friends and mentors, Daniel Burrus, as he emphasized his belief in the importance of my writing a book for The Promise.  I let him know it’s in the works and he is determined to help me find the right publisher to take it to the world. […]

The Descent: The Greater Ascension

  As I sobbed into the phone from the summit of The Grand Teton, following a 24-hour long arduous trek to get to the legendary craggy peak, I left a message for my family in both gratitude for their help with my preparations to ascend, and also mixed with terror at the thought of what […]

What Do Michael Jackson and Chewbacca Have in Common?

  Question: What do the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and Chewbacca, of StarWars fame, have in common? Answer: We expect one thing of them, that they keep their Promise – deliver their Signature Move – or else we wonder if we’re seeing the real thing. Even as he has been gone for 7 years […]

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