Jason Hewlett

The Actor’s Promise

  I talk about Jim Carrey a lot.  As in I refer to him in most speeches, shows, in blogs, and in every coaching/training for perfomers. The man is a genius. The man is polarizing. You very well may hate him, but I love him, and this is my blog. More people say I remind […]

Is The Promise a Religious Message?

I received an interesting statement from a friend the other day.  He asked, “I thought The Promise was for religious audiences only.” He was surprised I would go with a word – PROMISE – that is generally reserved for spiritual, religious, and very personal matters. Upon creating The Promise I wasn’t thinking along those lines, but […]

Managers Are Mentors

Are you a Manager, Executive, or Leader in your workplace? If so, Congratulations! Question: How did you get there?   Did you do it alone?  Or did you have some help?  In all likelihood you had a Mentor, or a few Mentors, that recognized something great in you that you didn’t see in yourself.   […]

Why Chick-Fil-A Closes on Sundays

If you have ever tried a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, or the nuggets, or their fries, or their shakes, then you too might be willing to drive any distance to take your family to enjoy their food.   If you have ever walked into their establishment and been greeted in a friendly manner, had your food served […]

Oscars Mix Up: The Promise of Being Present

Following the biggest gaffe in Academy Awards history, PricewaterhouseCoopers launched a full investigation into the mix-up of the Best Picture envelope mishap.   (I was so wrapped up in what had happened from a Stage Performer’s perspective that I blogged HERE the night of the incident)   It was revealed there are two of the same […]

The Warm Butter Cake Promise

The other night we went out for a night on the town for my darling wife’s birthday. The hour long wait to get into the hot spot was averted by the option to sit at the bar and have a full menu anyway, so booth become barstool night.  Hostess happily helped us find our way, […]

The Promise of Community

  Tonight at the store we heard shouts of “Someone call 911!” As a crowd gathered my wife and I didn’t want to join in the scene of onlookers, but when we saw a baby boy on the ground and his father pleading in Spanish for help as store employees seemed to be standing around […]

The Promise at Home

In speaking on The Promise to corporate attendees, one of the principles is The Family – AKA The Team. We all work as a Team, succeed as champions as a Team, sometimes share the sorrows of loss as the Team. That is why I call it The Family.  Because once you’ve been through so much […]

The Promise from Prison

Where and how do we spend our time? This past 2 weeks I made literally no money at a couple of gigs, and instead donated a lot of time to speak to people who needed to hear The Promise.  Whether it was a youth group, religious events, educators, family counselors, or even in a place […]

The Promise To Show Up No Matter What

    One of my favorite stories in recent memory comes from my friend, fellow Speaking Professional, Manley Feinberg II.  Check out his web site HERE.  It’s one thing to be committed to a client to speak at their event, sign a contract, book the flights, get everything ready and then realize weather just crushed […]

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