Jason Hewlett

The Curse of Empty Promises

  A friend of mine, Shawn Rapier, told me a sobering story recently.  An old friend reached out 2 months ago and invited him to her wedding.  It was 3 days away, and being out of town, he couldn’t make it.  Instead, Shawn said, “Let’s do this – How about I get a few of […]

The Unspoken Promise of a Good Sense of Humor

  As you’re well aware, I’m no political humor guy, but recent events have made the conversation of diviciveness inescapable. Our country is falling into a funk and thus my job feels more like a mission than a career. My mission statement is that “I am a Messenger of Joy, sent to Ignite Joy in […]

The Power of Having Fun

  How much FUN have you had lately?  Do you give your schedule room for it on a daily basis?  If not, you are missing out on one of the most essential aspects of a successful career and life. I made a promise to have more fun while I work and at home and it […]

The Promise of a Neutral Awards Show – The Emmys

  If you want to hear bashing of the President of our Country just turn on any late night program, SNL, CNN or talk radio. If you want to cause an uproar on social media and gather exponential vitriolic comments, simply offer a divisive political post that would make your friends wonder what just happened […]

What Are Your Promises to the Work Family?

  The Work Family expects much from us, so why not make a few bold Promises to them, which in turn will inspire them to do the same back to you? It’s not enough to just set goals that you’ll be something better – I love the quote, “Why set a Goal when you can […]

Our Hidden Promises

  Had a conversation with one of my dear friends and mentors, Daniel Burrus, as he emphasized his belief in the importance of my writing a book for The Promise.  I let him know it’s in the works and he is determined to help me find the right publisher to take it to the world. […]

Putting in the Reps

  My son asked for private lessons with a former NBA star from the Utah Jazz and I told him the lessons are so expensive that he would need to prove over 6 months his dedication to the game he loves so much in order to earn such an opportunity. Every day I would hear […]

Hurricane Harvey: The Promise to Humanity

  If not in the thick of the disaster you may be feeling like me as we watch the coverage of the devastation that is Hurricane Harvey in Houston, TX and surrounding areas. A feeling of helplessness & sorrow, a sense of urgency, a knowledge that prayer really does help, but must be followed with […]

The Promise That Is Jerry Lewis

9 Decades of laughs.  How is it even possible? Jerry Lewis’ passing this weekend left me reeling and unable to process the influence this man made on my career. Jerry is the reason I, as a physical, visual act, have a career.  Without him, my kind of comedy never becomes cool, guys from Red Skelton […]

The Promise To Do The Little Things

  Have you ever rented a car for a couple hundred dollars, only to realize you didn’t need to rent one since you barely put any miles on it? As you’re returning the car you realize the tank clearly says FULL, and you can in complete honesty say, “The tank’s full”, if they ask. I […]

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