Jason Hewlett

The Promise to Our Nation

  Happy 4th of July and celebration of The Promise to our Country & Nation. What is your promise as a citizen of the United States of America? The other day I cried my eyes out in utter joy watching the new documentary film of my childhood hero, Mr. Rogers, in the movie about his […]

The Olympics of Speaking: MDRT 2018

    “What is the biggest event you can get if you’re a corporate speaker?”, is a question I am often asked by those not in my industry. The answer has always been MDRT, The Million Dollar Round Table.  Their conference is “The Olympics” for a speaker like me. I just came off stage from […]

Scout Camp & Your Work Team

  Prior to the flag ceremony in front of one hundred other scouts, we faced a harsh reality: Our boys weren’t quite sure how to run a flag ceremony this new way Our boys weren’t in the proper uniform, nor were shirts tucked in Our boys hadn’t even practiced the cheer we encouraged them to […]

The Promise of Innovation: What iPhone, Lady Gaga & LifeTime Fitness Have in Common

“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” ~ Dr. Albert Gyorgyi   As customers of any product we continuously demand greater performance and equally newer innovation. Remember the miracle of the internet?  And then the dial up sound of AOL starting up?  You could pretty much hear the early […]

The Promise to The One: The Family Pet

  Every. Single. Time. Yes, every single time we come in the door our family dog goes absolutely crazy. Backflips, running uncontrollably in circles, flipping out to see us. I was almost licked to death once. Even if we’ve been gone 10 minutes or 2 weeks, it’s the same reaction and reception. Have you experienced […]

The Promise of Rock Star Leadership – Appreciating The Team

Do you remember the last time someone told you that you were great at something? Sitting in my office, the female executive sat wondering what might be her Signature Move.  It had been manifest our entire conversation, yet even in her fifties she couldn’t place it. When she asked me if I could see what […]

Mother’s Day and Mother’s Week

  It seems daily my friends, my age, are posting of the passing of their parents. I’m one of the lucky ones to still have my Mom around. As Mother’s Day is here I ask you how you still celebrate the important person that is your Mother, whether she is still here with us or […]

The Mormon and the Jewish Rabbi

  I hadn’t been done 10 minutes with my performance at the Rabbi’s retirement party in Tampa, Florida, when one of the older Jewish congregation members came up to me and asked in her thick New York accent, “Are you really a Mormon from Utah?”   “Yes, ma’am I am,” I smiled in reply. “Well I’ve […]

In What Ways Are You Like Hemingway?

    Video of this message if you prefer to watch   I’m writing to you from Key West, FL. When people think of Key West they mostly think of key lime pie, which I am sorry to say, I can’t even stomach. However, when I saw on my calendar I was booked to be […]

The Hype That is Hamilton

  You know you are in for a treat when 10 minutes into a musical you have learned more about American History than you learned in 4 years of high school. Hearing about this production, and unable to get tickets for the past few years, our family finally had the chance to attend Hamilton this […]

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