Jason Hewlett

Commit to The Bit (The Promise of The Beard): Part 1

    After the cold opening with a Billy Joel “Piano Man” parody set to “CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame”, introducing the night we recognize the latest inductees of the National Speakers Association Hall of Fame, the audience gasped as they realized my beard was taking over the event. As Host and Emcee of this […]

The Promise: Pioneer TREK

  “Your calling is to walk 32 miles over 4 days acting as Ma & Pa to 9 kids you’ve never met, everyone dressed in vintage 1840’s clothing you’ll make yourself, while pulling a handcart weighing between 800-1,000 lbs, to re-enact the Pioneers crossing the upper plains of Wyoming arriving into Utah.” I don’t know […]

Are You Stretching?

  As promised in past posts, I have finally been writing my book, “The Promise to The One”. In fact, I went to drastic measures, sequestered myself away in the mountains of Utah for a few days and cranked out nearly 52,000 words. I pray they’re worth reading!  Actually, this book feels like it was […]

You Made This?

  Have you ever been to an art gallery, walked around casually observing the paintings, and then stumbled upon the sight of the artist at the easel, apron and paint brush in hand, in the back of the room working on an actual piece of art? From what was a gallery of nice overlooked trees, […]

I Am The Parachute

Phone rings, it’s a number I don’t recognize (probably another robocall, I seem to get 5-10 per day now!). “Hello, this is Jason,” I answer. “Jason!  Thank you so much for answering.  Oh my goodness, I hope you remember me.  You performed for our event a few years ago and were the biggest hit we’ve […]

The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For

  5 years ago today I was completely unknown to a majority of my professional speaking and performing peers, and by the end of the night, in one flash moment, in one performance, I was suddenly praised by the Legends of the industry and became an “overnight success”, catapulted to the top of my profession. […]

The Team Player Promise

  Awaiting my turn backstage I watched as an entire events team was freaking out, running back and forth, chatter on headsets, teleprompter operators with hands in the air, show producers pacing, every team player not sure what to do. The first celebrity speaker had taken 20 minutes longer than allotted, now the second speaker, […]

Happy Father Figure Day

  We must have been 12 years old when our scout troop first went skiing with our new Boy Scout’s scoutmaster Rick.  He seemed cool, had a great manly beard, nice dark full head of hair, a friendly smile, lived in a big house, and wore perfectly fitted clothes to Church. Thinking we were all […]

Elton John – The Rocketman

  Have you seen the new movie “Rocketman“, about Sir Elton John? I haven’t seen the movie yet, but as someone who impersonated Elton John with the Las Vegas “Legends in Concert” way back in 2002 (pre-beard, pre-kids, pre-speaker status), I learned some powerful things about him that I share in my keynote presentations, which […]

5 Summers

  “We have 5 Summers left, Honey”, I said to my little Ella, 13 years old.  “What do you want to do with this one?” She looked at me surprised.  “What do you mean we have 5 left?” she asked. “I mean while you’re a kid, as my little girl in this our little family.  […]

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