Jason Hewlett

You Never Know

  Years ago, this very weekend, I was performing in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at a party high above the harbor in a setting that is reserved for the rich and famous. The pink hue of stage lighting blinded me from knowing who was watching, as party goers walked by and didn’t seem to be […]

The Audience Hates Me

  Here I am. Performing my guts out. Doing all I can to get a laugh, spark an emotion, beg a reaction. Nothin’. The audience hates me.  I can tell. You know when you’ve got ’em. And wow, how you know when you don’t! These people hate me.  But I’m going to keep giving, trying, […]

Birthday Tomorrow

  I turn 46 tomorrow. To some that is young, to others that is old. By definition, this is midlife. If I look at where I am too critically I could be quite devastated at what I set out to accomplish early in life that has yet to be attained – The elusive things, like […]

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