Jason Hewlett


Every Sunday at 7:30 AM, I teach an optional class for teens willing to forfeit sleep for learning.

It’s not part of the usual worship schedule but operates in its own unique time slot—a time often criticized for being too early.

Yet, it’s a time that, by default, surprisingly works, drawing an average of 11-20 eager (or at least semi-conscious) faces each week.


The Secret Sauce

The attendees are often motivated by two factors: devoted leaders who escort them, and the scrumptious breakfast served by my wife, Tami.

Why bring this up on The Promise Blog?

It’s the epitome of commitment, requiring 5-10 hours of preparation each week.


The Thrill and Terror of Uncertainty

And here’s the real kicker: you never know who’s going to show up.

The stakes are always high because each class is like a weekly audition –

One dull class, and I may lose them.

One amazing class, and, well, I still may lose them to the lure of sleep or weekend activities.

Even if I received a Saturday night standing ovation from thousands of people, and hefty amount of money the day before at a convention in Vegas, come Sunday morning, it’s a new audition for a non-paying audience!

Are you ready for the real reason I keep doing it? Here’s where things get interesting…

The Underlying Motives

  1. Divine Assignment: I feel spiritually called to this role.
  2. Personal Belief: I am convinced I’m the right person to educate them.
  3. Professionalism: I prepare as if it’s a paid gig.
  4. Compassion: My love for the kids is unconditional, show up or not.
  5. Challenge: I enjoy pushing my limits, even risking failure.

Each Sunday, regardless of my challenging schedule and late Saturday nights, I’m there by 6:30 AM.

I set up the chairs, prep the tech, and ensure everything is perfect for the students.

It’s an exhausting day, but it’s my Promise. And I am ALL IN.

The Universal Audition

How does this relate to your Promise?

Think about the situations where you’re constantly on audition—be it a crucial sales pitch, a Zoom call that could define your career, or simply trying to win your children’s attention during a busy week.

These are your moments of commitment, your own Sunday mornings.

So, how are you faring in your weekly auditions?

I want you to think about that as you prepare for the week ahead. Because, trust me, I’ve got some incredible insights to share on how to nail these auditions every time!  Between us, I teach quite a bit of that on my new YouTube Channel! I hope you’ll give it a chance.



Enjoy SUBSCRIBING to my NEW YouTube Channel when you’re ready to improve upon Your Leadership Promise!

~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”


14 Responses

  1. I’m impressed you get an average of 11-20 students each week at that time! That says a lot about how your weekly audition is going! I’m sure your preparation and skill at storytelling reward the students each week! They’re blessed to have you!

  2. It IS a divine assignment and you are the right person to be teaching this. You are planting important seeds that will come to fruition at the right time in these young people’s lives. You are a blessing.

      1. I am always amazed at the dedication you give to everything you do. Thank you for your example of keeping The Promise in all aspects of life.

  3. I can’t think of a better person to be engaging with our youth, than you. It is so important that our youth have exposure to such a good example as you, and to learn from someone like you. Thank you for keeping your promise.

  4. Thank you for this!! What a beautiful awareness. I absolutely love that you treat your spiritual responsibilities like a gig. I prepare myself as well, but I never thought about it quite this way.

    What beautiful dedication you demonstrate weekly, Jason. Especially at that hour every week! They are so lucky to be able to learn from you every week!!

  5. We all must recognize that to give back is a calling that needs to be answered. I trained new Police Officers in the field for years. Those went on to train other officers. Other of my trainees went on to command level positions. I view my motives as do you. The investment of self and time to those officers are as ripples on a pond, ever expanding.

    Keep up the great work.

    1. That’s amazing, Michael, thank you for your work and taking it to the level of The Promise. Well done brother.

  6. That is so inspiring. I’m taking that to my co-op classes I teach each week. I love using your content for professional development as a home educator 💕

    1. You’re so cool and encouraging. Thank you for inspiring me with this comment and my best to your classes.

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