Jason Hewlett

Jason & Tami Hewlett  July 2023 NSA Influence Orlando


The other night the song, “Whoomp! (There It Is)” blared over the sound system, as the artist who originally sang the song, Cecil DC The Brain Supreme, crooned the house down to get the party started (side note: I met him backstage and he’s incredibly kind, follow him on Instagram).

My wife, perhaps for fear of being seen with me, decided against dancing by my side, and instead turned on the camera.



Why do I share with you this awful dancing in my lusciously ill-fitting Tux & non-formal Vans?

Because, it was graduation night for me – the One Year Celebration since my patellar tendon ripped from the shin bone, kneecap flying up my thigh, surgery that would keep me from bending the leg for over 2 months, nearly a year of PT – Whoomp! There It Is.

If you missed that I got injured then you must be new to the Promise community and my blog…here are a few articles to choose from to see what happened!


My Broken Knee

The Promise of Perspective

10,000 Educators

Putting The Promise To The Test


My knee and leg are much better than they have been, I can’t thank everyone enough for helping me through such an ordeal, and for my readers having to read so much about it.

It’s shocking to think that was a whole year ago!

I feel like I’m back, though I can’t do all I once could – I can’t run like I used to, no more moonwalking for this fella, no jumping or bounding up the stairs.

Nope, just so grateful I can walk, move, sit, and even dance again.

And whether anyone wants to see it or not, I will continue to dance, because that is just me over there, keeping The Promise to still be myself.

I hope you dance like no one is looking, even if the cameras turn on.


~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Coach & Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”



14 Responses

  1. What a year you’ve had! Congrats on an incredible recovery!
    Since you and I stumble upon similar things, have you tried the @kneesovertoesguy? Incredibly helpful at strengthening everything surrounding the knee. I used his Knee Ability Zero to help my boys’ basketball speed and jumping.

    1. Thank you Alecia, and yes, I’ve studied that guy, amazing stuff. Doing little bits here and there and hoping to keep gaining strength and flexibility!

  2. So glad to see you dancing — or whatever that was.

    Fashion hint: Go to Mr. Mac downtown, Salt Lake City, and ask for the Manager and request a tie for tall people. You will love them. They are long enough so they don’t look dorky and…

    …you can use them to tie people up who try to leave when they see you dancing.

    Fashion hint #1 is brought to you by Mr. Mac, Haberdasher to the Stars, and your number one fan, Raptor Boy Jr.

    1. LOL. Thank you. I’ll stay with Nordstrom where I got the tux and tie, but yes, taking my sons to Mr. Macs for their mission attire is certainly a family tradition.

  3. Jason,
    After being 2 years post both knees replaced, I totally get it! I “dance” around our kitchen, when cleaning around the house, and with our “littles” when I can! It’s not the same, but it’s movement I wasn’t able to do before my surgeries. Life is grand and I keep the promise to myself to move every chance I can. 😁😁

    1. I didn’t realize you’d had both knees replaced, what a difficult thing! Amazing you are getting around so well.

  4. I think it was awesome.if I had been there and had enough nerve I probably would have joined in lol .and steve would have gotten out his camera lol

  5. Congratulations. It’s been quite a year!
    Great picture of you and Tammy at the NSA convention.
    I would have loved to have seen Mark receive his CPAE award.
    Many good things happening. For sure, keep dancing!

    1. Mark may have received one of the longest ovations in years as he went up to receive the long awaited honor. Such a great man.

  6. Soaring (and dancing) in wonderful GREATNESS! Such an honor for Elisa and me to share this evening with you!

    1. Thank you my friend. I appreciate you following up with me about the group photo, I would have never known!

  7. Well. I’ve always seen you as the “Dance like nobody’s watching, even though I know everyone is watching” type of guy! 🙂 Seriously, though. I’m so glad that you are back up on your feet and that you continue to heal.

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