Jason Hewlett

The Promise to The Family: Personal (Part 2)

Hall of Fame Speaker Jason Hewlett Daybreak Utah Family

  Welcome to Part 2 of The Promise to The Family   (If you missed it, CLICK HERE for Part 1: The Business Family: AKA “The Team”)   There are 2 types of families: Personal & Business On a Personal level, there is a FAMILY for which we work, stay disciplined, and bring home the […]

The Promise To The One

Keynote Speaker Motivation Work-Life Balance Joy

  We make promises to everyone. “I promise I’ll get that over to you by the end of the day.”  “Yes, I promise I will pick you up in time for dance!”  “I promise you, we will make it happen, you will get this sale, I will coach you through it, and if you can’t […]

How Keynoting for Keynote Speakers Almost Killed Me

“You think you’re a ‘Speaker’?  You think you’re a ‘Keynoter’?  I’m sorry to break it to you, but you have no content, no message, and no one considers you a Speaker from what I just heard you do up there.  You are an ‘Entertainer’, you are ‘After Dinner Entertainment’, that’s it!  Don’t try and be anything […]

Commitment to Joy: I Am A Speaker!

CONFESSION: Since I was a kid I wanted to be Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, and Tony Robbins more than Jim Carrey, Billy Joel, or Michael Jackson. However, the vehicle to which I knew I must get noticed, to make smiles, and to be heard was via entertaining. I freely admit I used comedy, voices, music, […]

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