Jason Hewlett


“I have to tell you something…. I’m, um, I’m an alcoholic.  It controls my life, affects my job, and I’m terrified to tell my boss because I don’t think he’ll keep me employed if I tell him my plan after hearing your talk about The Promise today.”  The man whispering to me at the side […]

Working Out My Neck

Walking into the gym every morning I get to play a game called: Which Machines Are Open Today? Seriously, the earlier I get there, the crazier it is.  I have arrived at 4:55 AM only to see the same 30 people stretching in the parking lot every morning waiting for the doors to open.  These […]

The Importance of Mediocrity

Glancing social media we will notice quickly our mediocrity in the face of everyone’s great accomplishments. The importance of mediocrity is realizing and embracing the fact that you have talents I don’t have, and I have talents you don’t want!  I spent 3 days recently trying to fix an issue in our bathroom as the […]

2 Brands Collide: The Promise vs. Jason Hewlett

  Have you ever created something that you put your heart, soul, time, money, energy and everything into, only to face the reality that it’s not really working? I’m about to share something extremely vulnerable, and will attempt to do so succinctly (good luck!) so as to not belabor the point, but I have come […]

Losing the Award: Lady Gaga Promise Leadership

Lady Gaga has just helped me see that even in losing, we can still win.  Did you see what she did at the Grammys while not on stage?  Her actions weren’t highlighted enough for such graciousness, even in defeat, but needs to be acknowledged here. What did she do?  Read on. ~ But first – […]

$650,000 per Month in Taxes: The Steve Harvey Promise

We are coming up on the month of April and Tax Day, perhaps the most heart palpitating, stress inducing, cry-yourself-to-sleep time of the year. No matter how bad things may look for you this year we can always bask in the joy of the misery of celebrity. Take for instance Steve Harvey, with his latest […]

The b0z0 Movie

  My sons and their best friend have made over $300 in ticket sales the past few weekends holding private showings from our basement for their just released “The b0z0 Movie”. We can hear kids laughing and screaming with glee as they are subject to the creation of our boy’s imagination and hard work over […]

Write a Better Letter

  Every Birthday and Christmas I looked forward to presents, and was rarely disappointed by my amazing parents who truly gave me so much to be thankful for as a child. But the most important thing for me always was the handwritten letter. Be it a simple card, maybe a little cash fell out as […]

I Got Sued Yesterday

I Got Sued YESTERDAY. Just like this headline is misleading and complete clickbait, such is the reality we are living in, and the point of this author and PAPERBACK WRITER. I clicked on a post recently after reading wild news stories ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and stumbled upon the Yahoo! article entitled: “Fans Sue Movie Yesterday”. […]

Choking on McDonald’s

Sydney Raley, a 15-year old McDonald’s employee, noticed a customer in the drive-thru lane choking on a chicken nugget. Most teens I know would start screaming, pointing, or not even notice at all… Sydney is not most teens. Without hesitation, she leaped through the drive-thru window, opened the car door, instructed the victim’s daughter to […]

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