Jason Hewlett

A Story is a Promise

  When I was a kid in high school I received a full ride scholarship for basketball to BYU. I tell this story in my speech, but am taken to a new life journey when Mrs. Hall discovers my singing in the hall, takes me under her wing, CLARIFIES what I had yet to IDENTIFY […]

Leaving the Seat Up

My wife has been gone for a week. I miss her. The kids miss her. The dog Goldie misses Mommy so much I found her hitchhiking to find a new family. On the second day as we all came around to the reality of Mommy is actually gone, the cereal ran low (since that’s all […]

eBikes, AI & ChatGPT

Recently I was talking among friends about my Health Promise and daily routine of going to the gym by riding my bike back and forth before and after a challenging workout. I love this routine, as it is downhill, takes 15 minutes, and is the perfect pre-workout exercise as I joyfully fly to my gym, […]

The Love of Work

At my desk I am slaving away to finish the slides and order I will speak for an upcoming presentation. It is hard work, requiring my mind to churn at an extreme rate, anticipating how the audience may respond and the possible turns speeches can potentially take with a phrase or word, song or comedy […]

The Middle Seat

“No, thank you, I will take any seat but the middle seat,” I reply to the customer service agent. “Sir, you don’t understand, you’ll be sitting in a normal seat in the back if you don’t accept this upgrade to ComfortPlus, but we don’t have a window or aisle, only a middle seat,” the agent […]

Words to Remember

  As school starts back up for our children this week, it is Senior Year for our daughter, and we have 3 kids in the same high school this year.  Our youngest is also at the end of his elementary run. Unbelievable! It got me thinking about my fascination with education, how much I loved […]

The Piano Guys: A Teacher and Student Promise

  A few weeks ago I reached out to my friends, The Piano Guys, Steven and Jon, to let them know about the passing of my Grandma Julie. We had made the connection years ago that she had been their music teacher at Highland High School in Salt Lake City, UT. That was a crazy […]

Taking Calculated Risks

  In the past week I have announced a few HUGE PROJECTS I’m up to, that are also HUGE RISKS, such as returning to my roots and putting together a string of public shows, not certain at all that people would still want to see me perform my one-man show at this stage of my […]

Hale Centre Theatre Musical Tribute Show Announcement

  I am thrilled to announce, starting July 25-August 3, 2024, I will be performing a special 2 week run of shows at the world famous Hale Centre Theatre in Sandy, Utah. HCT has never done a One-Man Show like this, and I have never had an opportunity as such, where brands align to bring […]

To Be A Fan – Ode to Ben Folds

(I have something incredibly cool to announce, that I can barely keep a secret anymore, but must wait a little bit longer…so please watch for a SPECIAL email coming your way in the next few days.)  On to the Article! ~ My inbox just pinged me with a notification that one of my favorite artists […]

Thank you for your interest in booking Jason!

We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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