Jason Hewlett

Promise To A Friend

  When I received the devastating news that my best friend had passed from COVID-19 in January 2021 my heart broke in one fell swoop.  Not only was he my dearest friend, a father figure, a mentor, but was my absolute hero in all aspects of life.     As we discussed funeral plans with […]

The Importance of Audience Feedback

For the past 15 months I have not been able to rely on audience feedback to confirm if I did a job well or not from my Virtual Zoom Home Studio. For the first 3 months of the pandemic, every event planner wanted no Chat feature open, nor the cameras on attendees, so I had […]

My Best Friend

  20 years ago I married my Best Friend. I always wondered what it would be like to hit one of those Anniversary milestones, and this feels like one, although some have said, “20?  That’s nothing!  Try 50!”  Hahaha.  I will love that, too. I imagined how much we’d still like each other at 20 […]

Mark Eaton Remembered

Woke up this morning to the stunning news that my lifelong friend and hero, NBA All-Star, and world-class Speaker, Mark Eaton, CSP, had suddenly passed away following a bike accident near his Park City, UT home last night. Still not wrapping my mind around this, I went to my texts and thought of just texting […]

When You Are Under-Utilized

I don’t EVER recall in my career being hired to NOT: Be Funny Sing Do Impressions Do Parodies Share a Message They just wanted me to bring people to stage, introduce their needs clearly, and keep it all on time. That’s it! Have you ever been under-utilized?  This is a first of its kind experience […]

300 Empty Chairs

  One week ago I drove over 200 miles to give my keynote presentation for a first of its kind event in a small city in my home state: The Inaugural Business EXPO put on by the economic development of the city. Entering the ballroom of the beautiful conference center, it was wonderful to see […]

The Promise to Push Yourself

We are nearing the halfway point of 2021. It is highly likely a few of those New Years resolutions are either accomplished and filed away as a part of your History of Awesome, or they are long forgotten and will be reset next January. It doesn’t matter the time of year, or the phase of […]

Dealing with The Haters

  Dealing with The Haters. How do you go about it? Pulling back the curtain for a moment here to go inside what’s behind a normal social media post…. Emotionally there’s always an initial sting to upload a video and then the next day see there are 8 views for your effort. 1 Like and […]

Ready To Buy

This past week I pulled up at the FORD Dealership and calmed my nerves. Knowing I was walking in the door in the next minute, I was the equivalent of a wiry wildebeest going for a swim in a lake full of crocodiles.   You know the feeling if you’ve ever been interested in a certain […]

LIVE & 1,000+ In-Person Events Are Back!

This past week I spent multiple days onsite for an event over a year in the planning that refused to go Virtual. They knew they were taking a risk.  But they planned and executed their mission right. It was them Keeping The Promise To The Audience! It was my first flight to an event in […]

Thank you for your interest in booking Jason!

We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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