Jason Hewlett

Make A Wish

A chronically ill child requests one person for their Make A Wish…and it’s you! Do you drop everything and go?   Do you talk yourself out of it due to schedule?  Do you chicken out because you don’t know what to say?  If you’re John Cena, you make a wish happen no matter how busy […]

The SHOW is Back!

“We don’t want a Speaker for our holiday party, we want someone to make us laugh, do entertainment, no business talk…just fun!”  Loud and clear, this client wanted what we call in showbiz “The Show”. Oddly, I said yes, and we booked the date for December. When I say, “oddly”, perhaps you don’t know what […]

Gained The Weight Back

“Burn all the videos”, I said, watching myself in disgust.  “No one will ever see these.”  In August 2021 I hired a video team to film a huge event at an arena where I was Keynote Speaker in Las Vegas for over 10,000 people. It was expensive to have them film, and sadly the audience […]

The Story of Goldie

  The other day I came home from a week away, having done events all over the country. Walking in the house, no one got up from their phones, casually, barely acknowledging my return, as I tiptoed confused into my humble abode, surprised by such a glib reaction from my children. I asked if anyone […]

The Promise of Pain

  No Pain, No Gain! That quote is always a fun one to consider. How hard do I push myself before it causes me so much pain I can’t continue?   That has been the question I have considered for the last (nearly) 2 months since a leg injury changed my life in an instant. Having […]

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