Jason Hewlett


Come on a walk with me.  Let’s talk.

There is great JOY in the morning walk, I’ve found, and hope you’ve so discovered as well.

As summer comes to a close and a chill greets each morning, it has been a delight to have the morning walk fill this summer pandemic, to feel the sun, clear the mind, awaken the mind and soul.

How are you doing?  How is your brain processing all that we are experiencing, now over 6 months into this new life?

The WALK has transformed my time, made it much more pleasant and a time for positive reflection, self-assessment, and been one more piece to the puzzle of keeping sanity in check.

Despite the challenges of kids home full time, work shifting from travel and large stages to a virtual format, and the uncertainties of the coming months, we must put into practice that which will sustain our soul’s nourishment.

As I have shifted from full-time stage performer and speaker to a virtual one, I am also receiving more requests for coaching, both personal and executive levels, assisting in the guidance of each leader in high positions looking for an accountability partner and promise process intention, as we discuss all things business, teams, books read, podcasts listened to, new ideas for leading.

It has been a rich joy to be entrusted in these coaching leadership conversations, be it short stints of productivity (“I need to finally write my book!” or “Help me better this speech!”), or lengthy engagements that shift success forever (“Our company needs to overhaul the entire mission and how we succeed virtually!”).  Thank you to all who are knocking on the door.

I have written and made videos the past few weeks on the subjects of LIFE since they are the main topics clients are seeking me out for.  With employees still working from home, the life balance is out of whack for all of us.  Thankfully, after 20 years of doing this, I have a few tricks as to how to navigate times like these.

2 weeks ago we talked about SLEEP: Video HERE.

Last week I shared about HEALTH – and for those that didn’t give it a shot and thought I had suddenly joined an MLM, sorry you don’t know me so well yet, but that’s not what it was…rather an education on the importance of our personal promise to do all we can with prevention of heart disease, diabetes, and staving off illness in these precarious times, and the power of Nitric Oxide’s healing properties – how we can fight off infections, viruses, and other sicknesses that come along: Video HERE.

This week we talk WALKING.

Hope you’ll join me on my path, and I look forward to being a closer part of yours.



jason hewlett 

Leadership Coach * Virtual Keynote Speaker * Speaker Hall of Fame

The Promise To The One



2 Responses

  1. Just last week I took a 30 minute walk pretty much every day without my earbuds. I’ve never dared be bored that long before and I had been dreading the experiment! It has definitely rejuvenated me and I haven’t even come close to being bored yet. Glad to see you promoting this lovely little habit!

    1. Good for you, Kent. Yes, the walking without the earbuds is a new frontier for some of us. Well done. I also like to just walk and talk to myself and that’s funny to watch others’ reactions.

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