Jason Hewlett

The Difference a Shirt Makes

For Fathers Day this year my wife bought me a new shirt.

I insisted that I didn’t need a new shirt, and wore my old shirt.

Tami said, “Honey, you’ve worked very hard for the last year to lose weight, and it’s time for a new shirt to fit your body properly.” 

I said, “Ok, take my picture and we’ll see if there’s any difference, I’m sure there won’t be.” 

So, here is my old favorite shirt that I love:



And here is the new shirt that she loves:



I am a stubborn man.

But she is always right, and I should know that by now.

I truly didn’t believe a shirt could make a difference, but I guess it does.

And I like how I look in this new shirt.

Then I went back into my photos and tracking of my efforts over the last year.

I was 25 lbs and 6% body fat heavier a year ago at this time.

I was working very hard to be fit. Very little progress. I ate clean and worked out every day. Never saw or felt any difference, just kept trying.

Here is a photo of me feeling pretty good about myself one year ago before a gig:



I am proud of that guy, and proud of this guy as well.

The effort has always been there, The Promise to keep trying, despite the effort and results.

The difference a year makes is significant, and perhaps more so than I realized.

She could see it, but I couldn’t.

Whether it’s changing the body, improving the mind, developing a new talent, forgiving someone or yourself, the promise is to never stop working to get just a little bit better, every day, bit by bit.

I guess you could say it was a year of transformation for me. 

How about you? What did you improve from last year to this? 

And what are you going to commit to from this time forward? 

The Promise is to show up.

The Promise is to invest in yourself. 

The Promise is to surround yourself with those who will support, encourage, and uplift. 

If you want to join me in my efforts, I’m beginning a few new levels of transformation starting in August, just message me privately or comment below and let’s get rolling on your new transformation.

Seriously – let’s do this and Keep The Promise together.

I’m still surprised at what a difference a shirt makes, and continually relearn I should never question my wife about anything.


Tami & Jason Hewlett Fathers Day 2024


~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”
  • President of Cardio Miracle.  Go to CardioMiracle.com to take your health back! Use coupon code HEW2024 for 15% OFF your order.




16 Responses

  1. Congratulations Jason, you look great.
    Since you came to the UAPT Conference in St. George I have lost 65 lbs. Had to replace my entire wardrobe. You are an inspiration.

  2. Proud of your good work Jason!

    You look great.

    Sometimes I think my wife would rather keep the old shirt, and get a new husband…

    But, after 27 years of marriage, I’ve learned she really is almost always right!

  3. Small increments are difficult to observe in short periods of time, but over time, the accumulation becomes obvious. It is obvious you have trained hard as we saw your Saturday show at HCT and your energy was impressive! And the show was wonderful!

    1. That is very kind of you to say. Yes sir, I have trained quite hard to be in such good shape for this haul. Thank you for coming to the show, grateful you enjoyed it!

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