Jason Hewlett

Some Humor & My Virtual Office

Jason Hewlett Virtual Keynote Speaker WEBB in SLC, UT


Thank you for your response of what you’d like from me during this quarantine time.

The answers were loud and clear:




Allllllrighty then!


In this (just under 6-min) video I hope you enjoy:

  • A Behind-The-Scenes look at My NEW VIRTUAL Office Setup
  • The Story of The Microphone That Killed Itself During My Speech
  • Bob Dylan’s latest hit, “Hey, Mr. Quarantine Man”
  • A Behind-The-Scenes look at my Keynote Presentation at WEBB Studios in SLC, UT



My best to you during this pandemic and quarantine time.



Leadership Expert * Virtual Keynote Speaker * Speaker Hall of Fame

The Promise


Ready to become a better Speaker for your next Virtual or On Stage Presentation?  Let Jason show you how click here



8 Responses

    1. Thank you George, of course I miss LIVE events but this is pretty cool to be able to deliver from here, too.

  1. Success! You made me laugh and smile, and think too! Thank you for keeping it real, but keeping it positive. I just jumped into a new opportunity rather spontaneously, which is not my typical method. It feels good and I’m ready to learn, and succeed on my terms . Thanks for always motivating.

    1. Thank you Carolyn, for the comment and for letting me know of what you’re experiencing, I’m with you!

  2. Thanks Jason. I definitely had some laughs watching your video!! My husband thinks you are hilarious and I just love your talent!
    Thank for sharing.

  3. Thank you for all you are trying to do from home to help us through these tough times. I’m a teacher and it’s been a great learning and crying time for me. I miss the students and the other teachers. We will make it through.

    1. Wow Tanya, I totally can empathize with you about having the interaction with those in our “Audience” who become like “Family”. Thank you for these kind words and my best to you!

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