Jason Hewlett

The Promise to Stand for Something

Celebrities, Entertainers, Hollywood types and Athletes who offer their opinions on political matters are highly criticized and often told to keep their mouths shut.  I am not on their level of celebrity or knowledge, and don’t claim to comprehend enough about politics to make any real difference on that end, and am simply one small voice in the crowd.

Yet in response to what occurred in the events last weekend in Charlottesville, VA, I can’t just sit back and not say anything.  I ask my readership’s forgiveness for even bringing anything political to the forefront, but I feel it has an essential reason in terms of this blog’s main theme, The Promise.

Living in the USA right now is getting pretty scary.  My heart hurts on it’s behalf.  I love this country on similar footing with my faith, as those claims I’ve made since boy scouts: “On my honor, I will do my duty, to God and my Country…”

My duty and offering is this:

To love one another.

To create uplifting and inspired works.

To give unfailing to those in need.

To stand for equality of race, tolerance of religion and political belief, while refraining from harsh judgments of any person ever.

To be a contributing and uplifting member of society and the world as a whole.

To live the ideals of what I grew up believing were the foundation of our Country – To fight for freedom, to sacrifice for those who live now and come after us, to continue the traditions of a God fearing people who depend upon His hand to give us all we have in this promised land.

I love the United States.  God Bless America.

My young children sleep peacefully and unknowingly face in their future a battle far beyond what I’ve ever known. How do I tell them what is happening in this country and how we can make a difference?

What can we do in the face of injustice, civil war, terrorism from within, extremism in our neighborhoods, and an immoral government of failed leadership?

We can only pledge and promise to stand for something!  The Promise has never made more sense to me than now.

I’ve stated my Promise here and hope you’ll join me in an arms-around-each other congregation, as a proclamation to ensure hate, violence, and irrational reasoning have no place here, can’t pass through us, and although it may take some of us down, there will be enough courageous leaders and believers of freedom, kindness, and justice running to the forefront to continue to stand for that one precious and holy word we all have the capacity to offer:



~ jason


Jason Hewlett, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, is a Keynote Speaker for the largest corporate events in the world. His primary message, The Promise, is essential for Leadership, Management, Sales, Marketing, Direct-Sales Companies, and is a combination of engagement and entertainment meets inspiration.  Jason has even received standing ovations from IT guys.  He has been acknowledged as life-changing by Conference Attendees, C-Level Executives and Hollywood Elite.  jasonhewlett.com

Please click here to learn about how Jason Hewlett, Speaker Hall of Fame, introduces the opportunity for you, or someone you love, to have the gift of learning how to create a Career From the Stage and begin moving toward fulfilling a lifelong dream as a full-time speaker, performer, or entertainer.

11 Responses

  1. I agree. Well said, Jason. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your Promise in this area.
    You are walking in the Light.

  2. Well said Jason. Yes let’s start with LOVE and go from there. I too love my country and the free Americans that call it home. We can change the minds of others if we unite and move forward with love and respect for each other. There is no place in our lives for hate. As the song says. “Love one another right now “

  3. Well written my friend!! I stand with you in the great cause of LOVE. I was even born on Valentine’s Day! 😉 Let us all be a little kinder and loving towards our fellow man. Let us look for the good in one another and put aside our differences. Let violence, bigotry, hatred and irrational thinking be a thing in the past. Abraham Lincoln was quoting Jesus when he referred to “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” (See Mark 3:25). If we try to erase the past as if it never happened, then where are the lessons learned? So many are trying to pull down statues and monuments of a time of great division in our country as if to destroy what happened long ago. We can’t destroy the past but we can learn from it. I recently visited Gettysburg, PA and visited as many of the sites as possible in one day. I walked away from that great battlefield with an even greater determination to love ALL men and to never let happen again what happened there. If we forget the past or fail to learn from it, like the great Sir Winston Churchill put it, we are “doomed to repeat it.” Thank you Jason for taking a stand for what is great in our country and for reminding us that even though we have but one voice, we still have a voice and can make a difference by simply speaking up. Your friend, Nathan Osmond

    1. Nathan, I can hear you talking while reading this and it puts a smile on my face. You are a true patriot and I love you brother.

  4. Thank you for speaking your truth. One of the greatest signs of privilege is the privilege to stand by and to stay silent. We must all speak out and we must all take action.

  5. Thank you Jason! The day is coming where people aren\’t going to be able to sit on the fence or bury their head in the sand – we are going to have to stand for something. I also love my country and have hope that if enough good people make a stand with love and not hate in their hearts then we can heal the division. It\’s not the easy road, but it\’s the right one. I am also worried about the future for my children and future grandchildren. Let us be strong, bold and a shining example for them to follow within our circle of influence however small or big it is. Let us acknowledge the past, learn from it and move forward together. We can\’t destroy the past, but we can create the future. Let us do all things with love. your friend Darci Moss

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