Jason Hewlett

Mark Eaton Remembered

Woke up this morning to the stunning news that my lifelong friend and hero, NBA All-Star, and world-class Speaker, Mark Eaton, CSP, had suddenly passed away following a bike accident near his Park City, UT home last night. Still not wrapping my mind around this, I went to my texts and thought of just texting […]

When You Are Under-Utilized

I don’t EVER recall in my career being hired to NOT: Be Funny Sing Do Impressions Do Parodies Share a Message They just wanted me to bring people to stage, introduce their needs clearly, and keep it all on time. That’s it! Have you ever been under-utilized?  This is a first of its kind experience […]

300 Empty Chairs

  One week ago I drove over 200 miles to give my keynote presentation for a first of its kind event in a small city in my home state: The Inaugural Business EXPO put on by the economic development of the city. Entering the ballroom of the beautiful conference center, it was wonderful to see […]

Dealing with The Haters

  Dealing with The Haters. How do you go about it? Pulling back the curtain for a moment here to go inside what’s behind a normal social media post…. Emotionally there’s always an initial sting to upload a video and then the next day see there are 8 views for your effort. 1 Like and […]

Remove The Old Debris in Our Lives

  Pandemic Garage Syndrome.  That’s what we can call it. Have you found yourself drowning in clutter, as we have? It’s not that we bought a ton of items, quite the contrary.  During the pandemic we hunkered down, digging into every little corner of our house, restarting projects we’d meant to do for years, pulling […]


Due to the word “PROMISE”, I am often asked if this is a religious concept first and foremost.   Full disclosure: I believe there are SPIRITUAL undertones in everything we do; in business, in community, in social settings, and is the basis of our leadership. The Promise has become a foundational expression of my existence. And […]

The Missing Key

Have you ever noticed the unfairness that is the following statement: If you do your job, no one has any idea how many times you’ve delivered, sacrifices made, miracles pulled off to make everything go smooth sailing…yet, if you fail to do your job only one time EVERYONE will notice! How cruel is this life […]

Fully Committed

The ice pack on my hip needs to be replaced and frozen again, but it hurts too much to get up and pop it in the freezer. Why the ice pack, you ask? After hitting a nice little summit on our hike last week, my brother and I were in for a very unexpectedly difficult […]


  The Vice President had an extra black fly in his extra white hair during the debate.  The fly became famous while no one could hear what the VP had to say, so distracting was the insect; The dog hesitated coming in the house, knowing she had an issue beneath her tail.  Encouraged enough by […]

Keep Going – A Tribute to Coach Tony Ingle

My best friend died of COVID-19 this week. My heart has ripped apart, consumed by grief, a fogginess clouding my brain ever since I received the news. Coach Tony Ingle got hit early December 2020 with the virus and called to tell me he wasn’t feeling so great.  As always, we laughed through the fear […]

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