Jason Hewlett

Sandbags to the Rescue

  “If we don’t fill and place over 1,000 sandbags in the next week we could lose The Ranch.”  For over 100 years, our extended family has enjoyed the beautiful Pine Valley along the mighty Provo River east of Park City, Utah, considered by many to be the most pristine mountain valley in the entire […]

The Unavailable Barbell

Whether you can tell by looking at me or not, I workout every single day (except Sundays). If you accidentally touch my arm then you’ll know it’s true. Otherwise, just seeing me on stage, you’d never know that I live for the gym and to exercise. I LOVE IT. There’s a very simple move I’ve […]

The Helmet

The other day I passed a family of bike riders. They all had helmets on, with the Dad in front leading the way, Mom in the middle of the pack helping the youngest children, and what looked like an 11-year old as caboose. He had his helmet on, but the strap hung to the side. […]

My Genius Grandma – Julie Hayes Hewlett 1941-2023

It’s hard to write with tears in your eyes… Julie Hewlett was the grandparent I had the longest, and even losing her the week I turned 45, is hard to comprehend she is gone. 46 years ago she married my Grandpa Lester Hewlett, in his mid 50’s, after his children and family had already been […]

5 Summers: Updated to 1 Summer Left

  June 2019 I wrote a blog entitled 5 Summers, here’s a link if you didn’t see it. I just got choked up looking at it. Oh my. I’m updating that post to be called, the sobering title of: 1 Summer Left  That’s all we’ve got, and this is the busiest summer to date! We […]

Happy Father’s Day

  In less than 4 hours on the Saturday before this Father’s Day the following occurred: I picked up my youngest son’s bike from the shop, where the flat tire was repaired, and we added a suspension fork to make riding more comfortable and fun; The AAA guy came by, broke into our car, where […]

The Broken AV Promise

  This selfie was taken an hour before one of the worst events of my career, which happened a few weeks ago. Join me, for a most joyful recounting of such an experience! LOL Before every event I talk with the AV Team. AV stands for “Audio Visual”, and they are my lifeline to a […]

The Shopping Cart Promise

We pulled into the only open parking spot in the grocery store lot… Only to suddenly have to back out due to a shopping cart that was already parked there!    I’m curious – What is The Shopping Cart Promise? Is it real? Or is it something I have just imagined? Please help me know […]

1 vs 100

A teacher stands in front of the classroom. She pops off the dry erase marker cap, dramatically spins, and slams a black dot in the exact center of the board. With flair and enthusiasm, she asks the class, “What do you see?!”  Hands shoot up and everyone shouts, “A BLACK DOT!”  “WROOOOONNNNNG!” she replies. Confused, […]

Resetting the Hotel Microwave Clock

    As a Boy Scout, one of the sayings before camping is to “leave the campsite better than you found it.” That was easy in the woods, because there’s always a way to clean things up and make it better, especially if camping after a family of small children, or a group of rowdy […]

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