Jason Hewlett


Conversation with my wife, Tami – 

Jason: “Can you give me a ride to the airport tomorrow?  I leave for Nashville at 9 AM to attend my National Speakers Association conference.  I’m really sad to not take the kids.  I’m so grateful for all those years we drove the motorhome cross country to NSA events enjoying them together.”

Tami: “Are you saying you already have your flight booked, paid for the hotel and convention?  And why aren’t you taking the 3 oldest children who have gone with you to this event every year since 2015?”

J: “Because it would be financially irresponsible right now, on the heels of the pandemic, and before this looming recession, to spend any more money while things have been coming back with my bookings.  We need to be frugal and careful, as I am getting booked more and more, it’s great but we are still needing to be smart with our money.”

T: “I agree, however, this may be the last summer they’ll ever want to go on the NSA conference trip, even if they just hang out in the hotel and don’t attend the events, possibly see their friends in the hallway and pool, just to be there with you & together having a memorable family moment.  Is there any way you can use your SkyMiles or other points to get them flights?”

J: “Flights are like $800 per person right now. I leave tomorrow! The hotel can only get me a room with one bed. Do you think they’re willing to sleep on the floor on air pads from our camping gear?”

T: “Honey, we have 2 summers left with Ella before she’s 18. Redford has 3. Romney has 4. I feel we should do anything we can to have them go with you. I say we book it now.”


Ella, Redford & Romney Hewlett at our Family Ranch, circa 2010


2 hours later ~

Jason: “I just got off the phone with Delta.I was able to find unused companion certificates, old cancelled flights still honored, and they changed my flight to a redeye to get us all on the same plane together. It hardly cost anything more. We land in Nashville at 1:30 AM. Thank you for forcing the issue. I’m grateful we get to go do this together.”

Tami: “I’m thrilled you’re going together! They will never forget this, and neither will you! Nashville is their favorite place. Let’s go tell them and pack some survival snacks.”


Grand Ole Opry June 2017



The Promise to be frugal in times of uncertainty can lead to creativity of resources to still honor family traditions and make new memories. I am thankful for a wife who sees what I don’t, who pushes me to book it now even when I’m timid or afraid of the present while she looks to the future while remembering the promises of our past.

It is mid-summer.

The world continues to go through some really challenging times.

Maybe you’ve lost sight of The Promise you made to Family, or even to yourself, and hopefully there’s still some time left to spend time together before summer is over.

Who can you count on to help you see the big vision through the thick of it while you’re caught in the weeds?  

Thank you, Tami.

See you in Nashville, my friends.


~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Promise Legacy Project Coach
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to Create Legendary Leadership through the Power of Commitment
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”


20 Responses

    1. Great post, Jason. For me, it’s my daughter and/or my husband who see beyond what I can see when I’m stuck in the weeds, and I am truly grateful for them! Have a great conference!

  1. Keep sharing your thought provoking, inspiring, humorous posts! Your weekly blog is the only one I look forward to. 🙂

  2. I knew I would like Tami!!! In the long run of thing, kids or grandchildren don’t stay young very long and NOW it the time to build lasting memories and relationships… Way to go Jason!

  3. It’s that “Don’t Blink” thing – and it can be so hard to take advantage of every opportunity, but if it doesn’t come around again, time lost cannot be bought back again. Love what a great dad you are. Aren’t you lucky to have Tami… she’s amazing!

  4. When my daughters were young, I attended a conference out of state several years in a row and they traveled with me. It was close to my middle daughter’s birthday and the date my family celebrated my grandmother’s birthday. The conference city was a short drive from the family celebration, so I think we made it to their great-grandmother’s 95, 96, 99, and 100th birthday parties. Kind of a big deal, right? As an adult, my daughter doesn’t remember the conference I attended, remembers a bit of the family gatherings, but firmly believed we traveled only to celebrate her birthday. Great memories!

  5. Now, that’s a real conversation. Neither of you were afraid to say what was on your mind, and it turned out to be a win-win. If I’m not mistaken, I saw your kids at the chapter dinner – what a beautiful family you have!

  6. This is so awesome! What a great way to have Tami get you to take the kids so she could have alone time! Just kidding. This is a great story. How did they react when you said “Hey kids! Pack – we’re leaving in the morning!” Did they go to NSA youth?

    1. You’re funny! She actually needed them to be gone so she could plan Girls Camp. haha. Yes, they were stunned, as we told them at dinner and flew away the next day. Didn’t get to NSA Youth, they just wanted to wander the hotel and city, but hoping we can attend again next year.

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