Jason Hewlett

The Promise of Gift Giving

    It was January 29, 2001, the one month anniversary of our first date (when you’re in love you celebrate those things). I took my soon to be fiancee, and eventually wife, to a concert I knew she would love and should confirm for her that she had the same feelings I did.  It […]

The Disappointment That is Black Friday

    Did you get a black eye on black Friday? You and everyone else. Unless you were smart and stayed home, where more than 60% of shoppers turned online sales (from their phones!) into higher numbers than brick and mortar buildings can boast. Jeff Bezos of Amazon finally reached over the $100 Billion mark.  […]

The Promise of Gratitude

  As we celebrate the holidays forthcoming, especially with Thanksgiving upon us, may we make the promise to be grateful for all we have. Gratitude for health. Gratitude for family. Gratitude for blessings. Gratitude for trials which make us stronger, which make us more grateful for the good times. There is nothing more attractive than […]

The Promise of The Descent

  My Friend,  You have had an incredible year.   Perhaps the greatest year of your life and career.   You stand proud on the top of the mountain, able to see your great accomplishments surrounding you, joyously lifting you up, to know you gave your all in a most harrowing ascent is your reward.   Where do […]

The Show Must Go On: The Promise to Your Client

  The other day I finally had a moment to bag my first peak of the year.  Hiked 3 miles up to Grandeur Peak, an 8,300 ft summit, had a great time with my friend as we breathed in the crisp Utah air and felt extreme gratitude to live in this beautiful place. As you […]

Promise of Being Present & Focused

    We’ve all seen it.  Car ahead of us, middle of the day, going side-to-side all over the lane they can’t stay in.  As you quickly pass to get out of the way of the accident this incompetent driver is going to likely cause, you see they are texting on their phone as they […]

For Leaders: The Promise Your Employees Expect from You

  If you prefer to watch this message, here is a video summary   My very first job was working for free with my cousins, Spencer and Nate Goates, for their summer lawn business, GoBros.  My Dad told them to teach me how to work.  And boy did we work!  They would pick me up […]

I’m Calling Out Humanity: The Promise to The One

  Here is a video of this post if you prefer to watch   My friend, perhaps the nicest person anyone’s ever known, Ken Day, died on Monday.  He had fallen a few days before when the train he was on jerked and he lost his balance.  Hit his head and went into cardiac arrest.  […]

Tough Crowd

Jason on big screen in front of audience

  If you prefer to watch this video over reading the whole blog post, here is a video summary of the article.   As I finished my funniest, kills every time routine, all I heard were crickets. Ouch. This audience and I did not connect.  Such a painful experience for performer and audience. What had […]

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