Jason Hewlett

You Never Know

  Years ago, this very weekend, I was performing in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at a party high above the harbor in a setting that is reserved for the rich and famous. The pink hue of stage lighting blinded me from knowing who was watching, as party goers walked by and didn’t seem to be […]

The Audience Hates Me

  Here I am. Performing my guts out. Doing all I can to get a laugh, spark an emotion, beg a reaction. Nothin’. The audience hates me.  I can tell. You know when you’ve got ’em. And wow, how you know when you don’t! These people hate me.  But I’m going to keep giving, trying, […]

Birthday Tomorrow

  I turn 46 tomorrow. To some that is young, to others that is old. By definition, this is midlife. If I look at where I am too critically I could be quite devastated at what I set out to accomplish early in life that has yet to be attained – The elusive things, like […]

The Best Fathers Day Presents

  Christmas Day was nearly 6 months ago (this next week), and it has been that long since I have enjoyed the gifts that keep on giving in our home. That cold wintry morning, as presents were strewn about the house, wrapping paper piled high, the kids were thrilled with what we had given them, […]

Chinese Waterfall Hoax

  Did you hear the one about the Chinese Waterfall that isn’t real? Big news story!  READ ABOUT IT HERE. Yes, the highest waterfall in the country of China, the majestic Yuntai Waterfall, actually comes from a pipe in the mountain (not always, just some of the time, depends on the season). From the article […]

The Graduate – The Legend of Ella Rae Hewlett

  “She’s got a way about her, I don’t know what it is, but I know that I can’t live without her.” – Billy Joel    Thursday, May 30, 2024 We watched our eldest child and beautiful daughter, Ella Rae Hewlett, walk across the stage to graduate high school. Candidly, we weren’t quite sure this […]

Who’s The Sellout Now?

  20 years ago at this time I was being offered the opportunity of a lifetime in Las Vegas: to be managed, produced, and mentored by the people who brought my hero, Danny Gans, to Sin City and helped make him a star. Then I would have a residency at multiple locations throughout California and […]

Eighth Grader Drives the School Bus

  As the school year winds down here is a powerful story of leadership from the fast action of an eighth grader! His name is Acie Holland III. Riding the bus home from school, Acie noticed the driver missed a turn and was now accelerating, while slumped over and unconscious! I don’t know about you, […]

Rudy’s Promise: Mommy & Baby vs. Basketball

  This past week one of my favorite players, a former Utah Jazz man and now 4-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year, Rudy Gobert, made a decision that confronts the very topic of this blog with precision: to what level do you keep The Promise? His partner, the inspiring and lovely Julia Bonilla, was […]

Stepping Down When It’s Best For The Team – The Promise of José Abreu

  This week, former MVP baseball player, José Abreu, was sent down to the minor leagues. It may not seem like significant news to a casual observer, as baseball players go minors to majors and back to minors often. Here are articles with ESPN and Yahoo Sports. For a former 3-time All-Star and MVP, who […]

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