Jason Hewlett

The usual Friday Night line at Nielsen’s in South Jordan, UT


My 13-yr old son and I hopped in the JEEP to go grab a Garden Burger at the only restaurant he’ll order a burger from: Nielsen’s Frozen Custard in South Jordan, UT.

In fact, he gets two Garden Burgers, which to us is thrilling, as he won’t eat anywhere else (incredibly, he always passes up the Concrete shakes, which are other-worldly good, since he’s going 4 years strong off of sugar…he’s like SuperBoy).

Picky is an understatement for our son.  He demands to know the type of cow and where it grew up that he’s eating, and Nielsen’s staff has walked us through their process, so our health nut boy feels good about what he’s consuming.

As we drove past multiple gas stations we hit Maverik to fill up the tank because it was a Friday night, and that means only one thing: We will be in a serious line for the burger.

Pulling into the parking lot we guessed correctly – It was at least a 30-minute wait.

My son looked at me, eyebrows raised, as if to dare me to wait in the ridiculously long line.

Nothing spoken, we just smiled at each other, got in line, turned off the car, and started sharing and watching videos we had saved to our iPhones that we knew would make the other person laugh.

The wait at Nielsen’s Frozen Custard was over 30 minutes this time, and both of his Garden burgers were inhaled before we arrived home 6 minutes later, where he began his workout as we watched our beloved Utah Jazz on TV together for a fun Daddy-Son hangout.

You may have noticed I mentioned a few brands in the first few sentences.

Brands we love.  Brands we buy over and over.  Brands we’ll drive long distances for, pay outlandish prices to watch throw a ball in a hoop, brands we are willing to pass others who sell the same products in order to get to our chosen brands.

I know full well your inbox is full of emails that have their unique brands and I can’t express how grateful I am that you’d even commit to reading my brand of lengthy posts each Sunday

My question for you is:

What brands do you choose and would gladly give a 30-minute wait to experience? 

The reason we choose the brands we do is because of The Promise.

The Brand Promise from the company is to deliver what you want, how you want it, and your Promise back to the Brand is to drive any distance, wait in any line, spend what needs to be spent, do whatever needs to be done to support that brand, because they Keep The Promise.

Your Promise Prompt:

Share in the Comments your preferred Brands!  I named some of mine, what are yours?

Take it a step further and share WHY you choose those Promise Brands. 


Consider your Brand Promise (AKA: Signature Moves) and if you’re delivering the “commercial vs. the reality” for those who expect your Promise-Level Brand.

Watch the Video below to see what I mean and have a great week!



~ jason


Promise Institute Founder * Virtual Keynote Speaker * Speaker Hall of Fame

Author of “The Promise To The One”


18 Responses

  1. Wow, here ya go again… using the reflection of an experience to create a wonderful lesson. I have used your “signature moves” video several times to get my students thinking on what they bring to the team, what is their contribution to life…
    THANKS again for helping me boost my lesson! ((or actually STARTING it for me!))

    Your ole Texas friend, Rita 🙂

    1. Awesome to hear this, Rita, I’m thrilled to be able to help with your lessons when it serves you. My best to you in TX, I know the state has been through so much, what a challenging time.

  2. I could watch your videos all day long. Love how you talk about being a dad. I need to bring a higher level of Promise to being a mom!

    Thanks for the reminder,

  3. I love this message on brand promise. You really know how to teach and inspire.

    I have a few brands that consistently deliver on their promise and I feel a loyalty to them back. Kizik (you really need to try their hands-free shoes. Incredible). Apple. REI. Costco. Marriott. Delta. Just to name a few.

    1. Thank you Steven for sharing and the kind words, my friend. I’m with you on ALL of these brands, as excellent promise keeping companies. And yes, I am Mike Pratt’s friend of 30+ years, I knew him before OGIO, and Kizik are awesome. Great choice!

  4. I think one of my favorite brands is called Rocket Fuzz it is a store in Hot Springs, Arkansas. It is one on my favorite because every time I go I take my little brother in and we pick out the most weirdest drink or a drink that sounds so gross and we always have a blast.

    1. That’s cool, TJ. Never hard of them until you share this, which is what I appreciate. When we promote the brands we love it spreads the word and keeps them around longer. Thank you for sharing!

  5. The brand I would absolutely wait 30 minutes in line for would be Whataburger. No matter if it is more than 30 minutes, or how expensive it gets, Whataburger is MY brand. Their food always comes out fresh and not once have I EVER been disappointed. It has become a ritual for me to eat there at least once a week if not more. I usually get off of work late and I always know that after a long shift I can count on Whatatburger to be open. My hunger continues to be satisfied with Whataburger!

    Enjoyed reading this blog!

    1. Hey Brooklynn, I get you on the Whataburger love, a great company. I was almost chosen to be a part of one of their big events last year and then – COVID! Cancelled all events. So I hope someday to do something for them, they’re awesome. Appreciate you reading the blog and sharing.

  6. One of my preferred brands is Carhartt. I prefer this brand because it is durable and able to withstand all kinds of conditions. Because of this, it is worth a little bit of extra money or a little extra work to find what I want.

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Lane. I had to google “Carhartt” and then realized I already knew the brand, however, that is the power of telling others about the brands we love and that keep promises to us – when we share it spreads the word on their business and in turn helps keep them around longer! Thank you for your words.

  7. I have many brands but Whataburger is my fave. Although there line is always long because its a BIG Texas favorite, I will wait however long for their food. They always make it fresh and never disappoints the taste buds. Their spicy ketchup just hits the spot every. single. time.

    1. Well said, Jacee. That is a company keeping its promise to deliver great value every time. Thank you for posting.

  8. My all time favorite brand is chester’s, but more specifically their hot fries. I have an addiction to hot fries! I would be willing to drive 30 minutes to a store just to get my hands on a bag of those.

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