Jason Hewlett

“…the response is tepid…” – Rolling Stone


As an artist, there was always one magazine I wanted to get in someday, and one magazine only: Rolling Stone.

You can imagine my astonishment when I was sent a link to their write up of my performance this past week from our Hershey, PA show, in an arena of some 10,000 people.

It was devastating to read a Rolling Stone article that was so harsh and insulting regarding my performance, as the crowd’s reception was quite a bit different from what was portrayed in the article. I have video proof of that, and a whole lot of people who were there and would say otherwise.

Then it dawned on me: This is media. The author came to the event looking for validation of his narrative, and was able to steer all thoughts into his version of free speech.

For keeping free speech alive, I think it’s great! Speak how you will, even if unfortunately you choose to lie, that’s on you. But I know 10,000 people at that arena, and nearly quarter of a million live audience members over the last 3 weeks, would be able to validate my performance as different than what was said in all major publications in September.

I’m astonished by the way my new friend, and someone I admire greatly on and especially off stage, Tucker Carlson, has been portrayed in the media for so long. No wonder why he put this tour together and last year started his own network! I recommend you check it out: TCN.



I have had this media craziness happen before, when my wife and I went viral worldwide for the Target story in 2015, and some news outlets said it was the greatest love story they’d ever seen, while other talk show hosts made it into a story of infidelity. All stories can be twisted to justify what the author decides to create, either positive or negative, light or dark.

We find what we seek.

I choose light, and I’m excited to be able to use this feature in Rolling Stone for what it is – as I’ll just utilize their own words to help further my story and narrative.

Same with The Washington Post and their difficult-for-me-to-stomach critical and unfair article.

But truly, how amazing – I’m in Rolling Stone and The Washington Post in the same week! What on earth is happening? Who cares what they say, I can now have that on the front of my web site – “Rolling Stone says…” or “As featured in The Washington Post!”

I guess I’m in it now! I thought I was just going around doing shows to bring people together, make them laugh with family friendly entertainment, and feel patriotism, love of country and pride in the USA. And yes, that did transpire, but now I’m a part of something bigger than I could have imagined, and still shaking my head as to how all of this happened, thanks to our sponsorship of the tour by Cardio Miracle.

Since you probably don’t subscribe to these publications, and you may be stuck behind a paywall to see them, here are screen shots of what was said about this fella, for your enjoyment.





Now that I realize these journalists are paid, and encouraged, to outright lie in order to submit their work, I wouldn’t recommend supporting that, but leave it up to your best judgment. Maybe that’s your thing, and you should do you. I am choosing to use discernment with what I consume and whom I listen to, and feel its important to know all sides so I can choose.

Some people may crawl into a hole and never perform again, if the publication they always wanted to be featured in, suddenly trashed them to the world.

I’m on a mission to spread joy to those who desperately need it, so this will only amplify my reason to raise my voice, open my mouth, and keep The Promise.

The Promise is to let your light shine no matter what anyone else says.


It was incredible to hear Glenn Beck say nice things about my show


I’m just grateful to be written about, even if I’m called “sweaty comedian”, “response is tepid”, or “cornered”. Hilarious. I was there, and can assure you, I was sweaty by the end (not the beginning as was described), but never cornered or received with tepid responses, just look at the videos online, or the faces of people in the audience.

In fact, every performance was so successful that my phone hasn’t stopped ringing, texts pinging, email and private messages dinging, due to the demand that is coming at us after this tour.

If that is the result of people seeing it in person, vs what you read in the media, then I’d say something is off.

What media are you allowing to believe and create your understanding? The last 3 weeks have truly opened my eyes to something I hadn’t really paid much attention to before, and am now in the middle of it.

I hope you’ll choose wisely, and always remember, there are two sides to every story, and that doesn’t mean one is right and one is wrong, they could both be right and both be wrong. So, listen to your intuition, conscience, or The Spirit – name it what you will – but go with what you know is right.

I think I’ll lead with sweaty comedian from now on.


~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”
  • President of Cardio Miracle.  Go to CardioMiracle.com to take your health back! Use coupon code HEW2024 for 15% OFF your order.


30 Responses

  1. I’m guessing the “reporter” who wrote this is a tad more left-leaning than I am, since he obviously didn’t appreciate digs at the media or Democrats. Jason, I sat through one of your presentations years ago in SLC at a Stampin’ Up! leadership dinner, and I’ve followed you ever since. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and your audiences show and have shown how much they appreciate you and your entertainment. Keep up the good work, and keep on keeping the Promise.

    1. Thank you Michelle. To be clear, I personally didn’t have one dig at the media or democrats in my performance, it was meant for everyone there, regardless of beliefs or politics, so it was interesting to read his take on my family friendly, patriotic and inclusive performance, with no digs during my set that came along. It is cool that they decided to attend the event. I appreciate you following my career, and thank you for commenting here.

  2. I’ve been to almost 10 of your performances and even one the Tucker Carlson tour stops you are a part of, Jason Hewlett you amaze, inspire and entertain with such energy and integrity… I’m sad, but not surprised, by the negative spin of these people with their pre-determined narratives. Your light is outshining them all!!

    1. Thank you very much my friend. It is interesting how people choose to spin their narrative to fit their intention. I appreciate your comment and support of the tour.

  3. They will criticize you for what you are, for what you are not, and for what they think you are.

    They will judge you for what you do, for what you don’t do, and for what you fail to do. They will talk about you for what you say and for what you keep silent about.

    They will point at you for your successes and for your mistakes, for your decisions and for your doubts. No matter how much you try to please, there will always be opinions.

    So, live for yourself, because in the end, the only thing that matters is being true to your own path.

    -Harrison Ford

  4. Jason, you were, are, and will always be a light in this world and someone I greatly admire and respect. YOU ARE The Promise!!! Thank you for shining your bright and brilliant light in this world – no matter what! I am amazed and appalled that anyone would distort the truth like they did. Thank you for opening my eyes to the realities that exist in the world right now. Thank you for always showing up. You are my hero.

  5. More fuel to keep going!! Love that you can add Rolling Stones and Washington Post to your site now 🙌🏼 neg comments are beyond laughable to anyone who has even remotely witnessed your talent

  6. Jason Hewlett,

    What can I say more my friend than has already been said. I’m proud of you. Let them say what they will. You just keep moving forward doing the good you are doing, shining a light on what is good and right, being the good kind man you are. Those who have the discernment to know between right and wrong will know good when they see and hear it! What an honor to know and call you friend!

  7. I’ve seen a lot of comedians and performers in my life and I just want you to know that you are definitely not noticeably sweatier than any other performer. 🤣 Also, your show rocks! Love the whole recent set, and ending with singing, “God Bless the USA” was very touching and powerful. You take the audience through many emotions and make people feel at ease. You really rock!

    1. Thank you so much Christen, it’s been an incredibly insightful ride! I appreciate your many talents!

  8. Jason, I was in Hershey & the response you received was far from tepid! I’ll admit I was grateful when the show finally started after a delay of 2+ hours (!) & I thought to myself, “who is this guy?” having never heard of you. Quickly, however, you won me over as well as the rest of the audience with your humor & excellent voice (and I don’t say that about many or often). It was such a moment with all the phones in the air…as I struggled to find the right button to turn mine on! Folks surrounding me as did my friends & I had tears of pride for our great country as we sang God Bless the USA. And, there were 10,000 people there! You were the perfect introduction for Tucker & I guess we’re all in the middle of it now. We must continue to believe what we see & hear with our own eyes & ears & be wary of what we’re supposed to have seen & heard. Keep up the good work!

    1. This is amazing Carol of you to write and confirm from that event. I appreciate you being there and for writing this. Thank you!

  9. Haters gonna hate! But we all know the truth of the caliber of performer and person that you are, Jason! I’m continually amazed and inspired by you, and I’m so excited for you and what this will do for your career! Thank you for always Keeping the Promise! You rock, my friend!

  10. We brought our 13 year old son to the show in Milwaukee. We all loved your preshow! We are musicians and were very impressed with your voice range!!! Keep being you!! We laughed and had a great time!! Thank you!!!!

    1. I love that! Thank you for bringing him, and I’m grateful it was a G-Rated music experience for him to enjoy with you.

      1. We were very grateful for that too! We were standing and singing with you at the end. I had tears in my eyes.

  11. Ah, Jason, you are in good company! Just look at what they say about Tucker, Trump, and SO many others. Comes with the territory. Rush Limbaugh used to muse about the difference between going from local-yokel sports commentater, to that explosion of media that happened when he achieved syndicated radio status because he made jokes about politics, etc.

  12. Sad to say, these people are not journalists. As you say they are paid to say this kind of thing, regardless of whether or not it has any truth. I for one am so grateful you had this opportunity’s and this exposure for what you actually are! You are one of the most accomplished entertainer, musician, comedian, singer, husband, father, and good Christian I’ve ever seen. You have the best attitude knowing that what they think is totally meaningless. Keep on keeping the Promise!

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