Jason Hewlett

The Promise to Spread Joy throughout the U.S.A.

Tucker Carlson, Jason Hewlett, Larry Elder, Romney Hewlett, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Redford Hewlett


The past 2 weeks have been the ultimate whirlwind to date in a 25 year career filled with incredible experiences.

I have had the opportunity to perform for more than 100,000 people in that span, with dates being added as I go, flights changing on the fly, and have a week left of near daily performances of the same capacity in arenas across America.

The audiences are not there to see me, rather they are in support, and some against, the main headliner, and it’s awesome to see so many people, of different beliefs and persuasions, coming to listen, learn, and leave having their perspectives uplifted in most cases.

I have shared the stage with Tucker Carlson (his tour), Kid Rock (entertaining guest even without singing), Glenn Beck (who essentially preached like he was giving a sermon and it was incredible), Charlie Kirk (who is astoundingly intelligent), RFK Jr (an insightful interview), and last night was JD Vance, Trump’s pick for VP and running mate (he was very impressive as a speaker and presence).

As a reminder: None, zero percent of the audience, are there to see me or even care that I’m there.

I get my role.

In fact, I’m not even introduced to the stage – I just have to run out there, cold turkey, and warm up the crowd from a state of waiting for the people they’re there to see, which is not me.

(Humility Reminder: I just got done with a 2-week successful run of SOLD-OUT shows to people coming to see me at Hale Centre Theatre in Utah, which was my first foray back onto the public stage in a decade, giving me standing ovations, waiting in line to buy my books, hoping to get a photo with little ol’ me…so this role is like going from All-Star Superstar MVP Legend to manager of the team lucky to get in the game.)

I have not been paid a penny to do this. In fact, I have lost money due to the trickiness of commercial travel (tour is covering travel) to make this work (as well as held dates from potential clients who have canceled after learning I was on this tour). My fellow entrepreneurs understand the cost of doing business and having opportunity. Thankfully it leads to exposure for Cardio Miracle as a sponsor at every stop around the nation.

I can also admit that I have had fierce pushback by dear friends and strangers as to why I would join this type of tour, and it has been hard to navigate having the greatest opportunity to be in front of this many people while others are doing all they can to make me question my ethics and even asking if I’m keeping The Promise.

It is offensive to receive private, scathing messages like that, as I don’t question anyone’s promise, and encourage everyone to live theirs, whatever it looks like. That message has been even more apparent to me as I’m out on the road – we ALL need to shine our light from where we stand, and it matters that we are all different, and we need each other in our differences.

I am stunned by how many people are taking my opportunity in a public forum, from which I stepped away a decade ago to focus on private events, as some type of slight to their lives and perception of me. I guess that’s just how divided this country is, and how difficult it is for everyone to separate the chance to share light, our gifts, and not consider who the client is.

Does everyone reading this blog agree with every business practice and ethical decision of every company they buy food, clothing, or products from? Because I’ve hardly considered it, until now. And yet – I still buy from them, regardless of what that business chooses to display, their politics, their employee choices.

Does every Speaker and Performer only take a check from those corporate entities whom they agree with completely, 100% every time? I don’t think so. But they can separate the two by saying this is a great opportunity to “share my gifts, do what I can do, and give to an audience that needs to hear me.”


Jason Hewlett performs in Arena


Case in point:

Last night the Secret Service was so over-the-top ridiculous with security, as 50% of the audience wasn’t even in the arena 90 minutes after the show was supposed to start. They were strip searching grandmas, quizzing children with trigonometry questions, interrogating the hearing impaired, taking people’s glasses off and making them read eye charts, palm readers telling their future sins…it made the TSA at the airport feel like they give a wonderful Swedish massage.  It was absurd. It is the state of our country. Of course I’m exaggerating, but not really, it was wacky!

I had to keep doing a VOG over the arena sound system every 15 minutes, thanking everyone for their patience, as we waited for the SS to do their jobs and keep us all safe.

Finally, 90 minutes late, 8:30 PM, we started the show.

It was a potentially hostile situation. It was raining outside and there was nowhere to hide for people soaking wet who were entering the arena upset…and then I was to take the stage! People were livid who had been waiting for over 2 hours in their seats. Crazy.

Want to know what my gift has always been? Lighten the mood. Unite the masses. Some were upset, some were happy, some were apathetic about it all.

My job – make them calm down, and then grow the energy in the audience, warm up the crowd to be ready for the headliners, make them laugh, think, get ready for a show, regardless of who was up there. 20 minutes of showtime – I’m used to at least an hour as Keynote Speaker, but this is a different gig.

From a tweet on X:



Mind you, if those from the LEFT or the RIGHT called and asked me to do this for their events you bet your bottomed out dollar and pretend crypto currency I would be there in a heartbeat, as spreading my light for any audience is what it’s about for me. Is that inconsistent? Not to me, that’s what I’ve always done.

How is that not apparent to those of you who read this blog or follow me on social media?

My best friends are mostly folks on the left, and I mean far left. They fly flags, dance in parades, live their lives, and I’m happy for them. I love them. Most of my personal community where I live are on the right, I mean far right! They fly flags, dance with guns, live their lives, and I’m happy for them. I love them.

I hold hands and stand shoulder to shoulder with all of them, I’m not sure how that’s not readily apparent to some…

I am learning a lot about people while being on this tour, while I’m in the public eye for a few minutes, and realizing how divided our country really is, and equally how important it is to raise a unifying voice of love, listening, learning, and “leaving room for edits” as one of my dearest friends always teaches.

But man, this is a wild experience to get so much love from some, and so much not love from others, who think I’m some political guy all of the sudden.

If spreading love, light, joy, unity, God, Family, and Love of Country is political, then I guess I’m political and didn’t realize it.

Want to know who I am? Read my book. Read this Blog. Watch my videos. Ask someone who knows me.

I am divinely blessed, even I believe foreordained in heaven before coming to earth, to make people feel joy in an entertaining way.

I am the only person distinguished by the International Society of Chaplains as a Chaplain of Entertainment. I help people through the healing power of music, laughter, storytelling, and making a fool of myself on stage to teach.

You have your calling from above as well – it’s shared through your Signature Moves, and it’s your Promise to the world to share it.

Have you been reading this blog closely enough to not know that’s what I’ve been talking about, without missing one week writing it, for over a decade?

I love God, I love Family, I love my Country.

I have performed, as a Mormon, for a Jewish Rabbi’s retirement party;

I have spoken in Churches of religions other than mine;

I have spoken and performed for corrupt and horrible companies, who have gone bankrupt after their event;

I have spoken and performed for wonderful companies, who have gone from startups to billions;

I have received checks from Billionaires who have histories I didn’t know about that I’m told I shouldn’t share that I worked with and performed for their birthday parties for other Billionaires;

I have done a US Military Tour in a war zone in the middle of Afghanistan, where the very base I performed at was obliterated a few weeks after;

I’m so thankful for all of these opportunities, to know I performed for those soldiers before they sacrificed the ultimate promise for us, regardless of whether we supported the war and efforts.

I’m so thankful to have friends that understand what I’m doing this month of September and can separate politics from the chance to share light, love, raise our voice no matter where we stand.


Jason Hewlett performs for Happy Audience


To those of you who have a problem with what I’m doing – I hear you. What you think of me doesn’t affect what I’m going to do to keep The Promise.

You do you. Keep your Promise. Go spread your light where you will.

In the meantime, I am just grateful to be an American, and have a week left of the opportunity of a lifetime before it will be back to my old life as it was…

Although, having lost multiple gigs this week due to my being on this tour, and apparently many friends, I guess my life is forever changed through all of this.

And in that, I am stunned by it, and therefore sad for the state of our world and country mostly.

It confirms to me more than ever: I need to raise my voice, and my light will shine on this tour and in this opportunity, and for that, I believe in freedom of speech for me, for you, for everyone, and am thankful Tucker Carlson would invite me to do so.

My Promise is to spread light and joy on every stage, uniting Americans, every chance I get.

God Bless America.

That’s all I’ve got to say about that.

~ Jason Hewlett

Husband, Father, Writer, Mentor, Hiker

  • Speaker Hall of Fame * Award-Winning Entertainer * Mentor
  • World’s Only Keynote Speaker utilizing entertainment, musical impressions, and comedy to teach The Promise
  • Author of “The Promise To The One”
  • President of Cardio Miracle.  Go to CardioMiracle.com to take your health back! Use coupon code HEW2024 for 15% OFF your order.




26 Responses

  1. You could not have said that better than you did Jason!! I don’t know you personally, but I’ve followed you and had the privilege of seeing you perform in person. You keep your promise, your light shines brightly. Keep doing you! Its wonderful and I for one am so glad you do!

    1. LOLOLOL!!! That was a stretch of a post, for sure, but something I needed at the time. Thank you for your funny comment.

  2. Dear Jason, you have been spreading light and joy from the first time I met you and hired you to do a gig for an Adoption Exchange charity event at least 25 yrs ago.
    I have followed you and admired everything you have done to unite people and just bring happiness into this world. Keep it up! The world needs many more people like you!

  3. I’ve been watching the Carlson episodes on YouTube. I wish they would include your contribution to the show in one of them!! Thanks for the joy you spread and I hope you’re blessed for it!!

    1. I wish so too, but I guess it’s not an option for them, probably due to music copyright. It has sure been an incredible experience.

  4. Wow, Jason! So remarkably stated and articulated…that was truly a fantastic read–great work on your part to put your thoughts to paper so well there. Maybe you might consider a political career of you own in the future? I’d vote for you!

    1. LOLOLOL! Sean, you’re too kind and too funny. If I go into politics we are all ruined…I know nothing about any of that stuff. I just feel a great love for the country I know I grew up loving, and want us to stand firm with the Constitution, our values on which this wonderful country was founded upon. Thank you and God Bless America.

    1. It’s been pretty heartbreaking and eye-opening, but also confirms to me the importance of not standing by in silence, that we must all raise our voice for what we believe, and respect everyone for their beliefs.

  5. It’s a sad day in America, when people are being “cancelled” because some don’t want free speech for everyone-just for people they agree with. Keep on shining your light because we all desperately need it.

  6. Perfectly stated, Jason….I love your conviction and how you have never wavered. I’m so glad for your opportunity and that your family can go and share in these memories with you! Keep on truckin’…you’re amazing!

  7. I have been friends with you for 19 years and I don’t know which way you lean politically. I don’t care either. I know you and love you. I don’t see eye to eye with Tucker or some of the other speakers on the tour and it doesn’t matter. You are and have always lived The Promise. I hope this tour is good for you, Cardio Miracle, and your family. See you soon brother

    1. Thank you very much my friend, I feel the same of you, love and appreciate and respect you, regardless of politics. It is your values and how you live that I admire, whatever that looks like in the polls is up to you, and I acknowledge that may be different for all of us. This has been a huge opportunity, and trust me, I don’t agree with a bunch of things I’ve heard, but I’ve been surprised at how little I knew and how much I’m learning, and happy to agree with quite a bit as well. It’s helped me grow, this whole experience.

  8. Great Blog Jason!! I appreciate you and your fantastic message!! You’re a great guy and I appreciate knowing you and your cute family! By the way….I loved “Breaking Bad”….ha! It also had a pretty strong message!!

    1. Haha! Hi Sandi, so great to hear from you. Thank you for this comment, and yes, Breaking Bad really has been a helpful series for me to watch.

  9. Saving this post for inspo. when I need conviction and courage. Way to call it all out. More of a reminder living The Promise isn’t convenient for others and is bigger than all that. The exact thing our country needs more than ever is unity and love for ppl before their beliefs. Apparently that job comes with a lot of hate. Keep doing what you do. I already know you will

    1. Thank you Lyndsey, this means a lot. It is sad to experience this firsthand, the loss of friends and work due to freedom of speech and decision, but if it opens the eyes of others as to how important it is for us to raise our voice and not stamp out our light, then it’s worth it.

  10. Great job, Jason. I had the opportunity to go to one of your shows and you were so impactful and wonderful. Shame on your friends and for those who have also canceled bookings with you. It is so sad how so many HAVE CHOSEN to let politics get in the way of everyday life and just basic human dignity and respect. Enjoying people for who they are and the joy and camaraderie of just being around others for the sake of being human and having a good ‘ol time. Stay in the game and don’t get discouraged and stay on your chosen path.

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