Jason Hewlett

The Keynote Speaker
Who Promises More

Discover Jason Hewlett, the Hall of Fame speaker whose dynamic presentations blend leadership insights with unmatched entertainment value.

“Why set a goal when you can make a promise?”

Amazon #1


The Promise to The One



Council of Peers Award of Excellence

NSA Hall of



Inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame in 2016



Certified Speaking Professional since 2013



National Speakers Association member for over 23 years

Introduction: The Promise of Performance

Jason is the only speaker who combines the entertainment spectacle of Las Vegas with the transformative power of a keynote.

A Hall of Fame speaker and seasoned entertainer, Jason promises more than just a presentation;

He delivers a performance that blends laughter with lasting leadership lessons.

My Journey

The Evolution from Entertainer to Leadership Speaker

The journey from a standout Las Vegas performer in “Legends in Concert” to a keynote speaker happened in a very unique way. Initially, the show was purely an entertainment masterpiece. Over time the show has transformed into a masterclasses in engagement, utilizing formidable skills in music, comedy, and impressions to energize and inspire every audience. His commitment to excellence has transformed countless corporate events into unforgettable experiences. 

This transformation was fueled by a desire to not only entertain but to empower and lead.

By integrating personal stories with professional insights, Jason crafted a unique narrative that resonates deeply with leadership themes, inspiring attendees to make meaningful personal and professional promises to those they serve.

Here’s a sneakpeek into how this works


Beyond the Stage

Jason’s influence extends beyond the stage; he is a mentor, author, and thought leader in making and keeping promises. Through his presentations, Jason empowers attendees to identify their own ‘Signature Moves’ and embrace their potential, ensuring they leave more connected to their goals and committed to their personal and professional growth. 

His transformative approach doesn’t just inspire; it activates change. Jason encourages attendees to redefine their understanding of commitment, enhancing not only their professional lives but also their personal interactions. 

Each keynote is a stepping stone towards greater promise-keeping, helping individuals and organizations forge paths of integrity and accountability that resonate long after the applause fades. 

This is how Jason redefines the art of engagement, making every moment of connection count toward a lifetime of significant impact.

20 Reasons to Book Jason Hewlett

Here are 20 compelling reasons to book Jason Hewlett, based on his unique attributes and offerings:

Hall of Fame Speaker:

Recognized for his excellence in speaking.

Award-Winning Entertainment:

Delivers Las Vegas-level performance quality.

Unique Keynote Experience:

 Combines humor, music, and motivational content.

Emotional Engagement:

Moves audiences emotionally to amplify event ROI.

Lasting Impressions:

Provides takeaways that stay with the audience long after the event.

Interactive Performance:

Engages the audience with music and comedy.

Educational Content:

Educates through entertaining and insightful presentations.

Signature Moves:

Helps attendees discover and leverage their unique strengths.

Leadership Insights:

Offers deep insights into leadership and personal growth.

Commitment to Excellence:

Known for his high standards and impactful delivery.

Inspirational Stories:

Shares powerful personal and professional stories.

Versatile Performer:

Skilled in multiple forms of “Rated G” level entertainment.

Tailored Presentations:

Adapts his content to fit the theme and goals of the event.

Profound Promises:

Encourages making and keeping meaningful promises.

Broad Audience Appeal:

Connects with diverse groups across various industries.

Professional Integrity:

Upholds the highest standards of professionalism.

Authentic Connection:

Builds genuine connections with his audience.

Innovative Approach:

Constantly innovating his content and delivery methods.

Interactive Workshops:

 Offers workshops to deepen learning and engagement.

These reasons showcase Jason’s comprehensive capabilities as a speaker and entertainer, ensuring he can meet and exceed the expectations of various events and audiences.

Jason: The Family Man

Jason Hewlett finds joy in life’s simple pleasures. Whether he’s hiking in the mountains, writing music, or playing with his kids, he embraces every moment. His greatest pride, however, comes from the love and laughter shared within the walls of his home.

Jason is a devoted husband to his wife, Tami, whom he adores beyond words. Together, they are blessed with four wonderful children who not only inspire Jason’s work but are the richness of their family life. Their home is a hub of creativity, love, and endless inspiration.

The Hewlett family is deeply committed to giving back to their community. They dedicate over 20 hours each month to community service, volunteering, mentoring, and supporting various causes in their home state of Utah. This spirit of philanthropy and outreach is a cornerstone of their family values, making a positive impact on those around them.

Thank you for your interest in booking Jason!

We can’t wait to connect with you.
We’re looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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