Jason Hewlett


Between today and yesterday I have been on the phone all day, learning that nearly every conference I was to speak for is either canceled or postponed, leaving me with no stages for a great while.

Having made my career on stage for 20 years, this has never happened.

I welled up with tears as I felt the event planner on the other end of the line crying, as, well…their year worth of work was gone in an instant…frustration and confusion an understatement.

Empathy was the best I could offer, as I knew this was a huge decision they had to make to let go of all the work and now figure out a new plan.

Many would be affected. Trickle down effect is real!

On my end, one by one, call by call, email by email, text by text, I crossed dates off the calendar that would have been providing for my family, after a lean 2019 left me grasping for a better 2020 of bookings.

I pretended to be strong with each response of encouragement to my clients, but just sort of did my best to keep the Promise to be stable, understanding, and unshaken.

But I admit: Today I am shaken.

And as tough as this is, for all of us, for those who are sick and not getting better, those who are losing huge amounts of money, time spent, and seeing even dreams dashed in the form of colleges with hopes to win a now canceled March Madness, to the family not going to Disneyland on vacation, to my Utah Jazz and favorite players as the first to be hit and seemingly blamed for shutting down the NBA, mass confusion and hysteria, to those infected that are facing a whole new reality…

I can say I am grateful for many things despite how grave it looks for my business at this very vulnerable moment.

As I went through my now decimated calendar and began picking up the pieces today, a headache came on so strong I had to take a walk for 90 minutes outside just to cope.

Worked again for a few hours and then the headache returned.

I don’t remember the last time I walked from my home office to my bed for a time-out from social media, news, email inbox dinging to let me know everything is gone, from bookings to prospects to – oh yeah, taxes are forthcoming, too.

I actually took a nap midday.

I curled up in a ball and passed out.

March 12, 2020 goes in the history books around here.

Woke up to greet my children at home, thankful they are well, we are together, and to do my best to start again.

Went back to my calendar and realized my last performance was for an audience I never would have thought would be my last one, if indeed, I don’t have any gigs for a while.

It was a show I donated for my Grandmother’s Care Facility. A room full of elderly, wonderful, been through everything and every time or challenge, kind of people.

We had a delightful time. It was almost a month ago.

We sang songs from their youth, and how amazing to see those who can hardly remember names or dates to suddenly spring into full chorus of a musical memory deeply embedded in their nostalgic soul.





That was my last performance!

Had I known that at the time…

I wouldn’t have done one thing different.

This is The Promise I speak of.

I prepared as if it might be the last time they’d ever see a performer, because due to their age and condition, some of them it could have been!

And then to think these are the most susceptible among us to being infected and potentially taken by the virus, as the news is telling us, I am concerned for their well-being.

Since that is my last performance for a while I can say I am grateful that was the one.

I gave it my all.

They gave me their all.

Many whispered in my ear as I went around and hugged them afterward, “If I could stand I would have given you a standing ovation.”

As the gigs that once filled my calendar now either move to fall or are canceled altogether, I can honestly say to look back and be filled with gratitude for what was is a very comforting place for me to land today.

I know in that moment and time I did my best, for the right audience, for people who needed it.

Today Gratitude Wins.

And as I move forward and work on creating more experiences like that, in keeping my Promise to every audience, hoping for another chance, for another moment of engagement, magic, music, laughs, and interaction, connecting with a LIVE audience…well, there’s nothing quite like it.

And The Promise will remain as it always has for every Performance:

I will always perform as if it’s The Last Performance.

~ jason



Leadership Expert * Author * Speaker Hall of Fame

The Promise


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6 Responses

  1. This is so sweet to hear and watch. Thanks for your transparency, Jason. To quote a line from one of my songs, “You inspire me to live courageously.”

    Jana Stanfield

    P.S. If you’d like to see what I’ve been up to since Jan.1, I’ve been teaching refugee teens to edit video so they can get “Fiverr” type jobs.

    They can’t be on Fiverr because refugees can’t have bank accounts, but they can do all kinds of small jobs for speakers, and can grow into being your dedicated, $5 per hour, editor who can get things edited overnight because of the time difference.

    We all wish we could do something that we know would help refugee children, knowing that most are growing up with no education, and no hope.

    This little pilot program I started through Together We Can Change the World is helping teenage refugees, not by giving them a hand-out, but by giving them a hand-up to a job and a career. If we can find enough $5/hour jobs for them, we can help others.

    Right now, they’re beginning to edit videos for my church. If they could do the same for you or for any church you’re connected to, please text me at 615-513-5262. I didn’t respond to your post to ask for anything, just sharing. I come from a family of teachers, and while I am probably the worst teacher ever, I was the happiest teacher ever when I was volunteering with these kids for the past 2 1/2 months to help them be able to do this. I’m sending 3 little videos. If one captures your imagination, you might enjoy the other two as well, when they were invited to a youth summit called “MAD for Good”.

    Refugee Film School How It Started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoqIVGci8Os

    Refugee Film School is MAD for Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=481B279_CJ8

    Refugee Film School Meet The Students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE0HiqyeU04

  2. Jason – thank you, as always, for your wise words. Your Grandma and her friends were blessed with your performance and your presence. You and your family will make it through this and beyond. Times like this teach all of us how resilient we are and that we have strength beyond what we thought was possible. We love and appreciate you. Your Hawaii Ohana.

    1. Thank you very much my friend! I love times like these, and it’s important to share the processing of it with others I feel. Blessings to you.

  3. Jason,

    You are an incredible example! You always fulfilled your promise on all of the amazing projects we worked on together!

    Heavenly Father – must have a great work for you to do if he has cleared your schedule for the rest of the year!

    Thanks for being a great example of leadership, humility, kindness, humor, authenticity, and love!

    All The Best!


    1. Thank you so much my friend. It would be great to connect so I can learn more from you. Thank you for this!

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