Jason Hewlett


We thought he would be dead at 63 due to genetics and his health…

Now, 68 and still going strong, imagine having the chance to interview your Dad for over an hour and discuss your family history, his challenges and trials, and help create awareness of his business.

My post/video about getting better sleep has received so much positive, public and private feedback, I thought offering some more ideas for reclaiming health at this challenging time in our lives would best serve you.

As I enter middle age I’m finding this whole health thing is of the utmost importance, and what my dad has created is a huge reason I’m feeling so much better.

You may know that I had to “retire” a few epic routines from my past, such as Jim Carrey, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, and others due to the physical toll on my body.

As much as those routines delivered on my Promise to make the Audience laugh, and WOW how they made them laugh, they equally meant breaking a Promise to Myself and deteriorated my health.

Just one more reason why I wrote “The Promise To The One” as the most important place to start in those to whom we make and keep the most important promises.

With that setup I hope you enjoy this video and conversation as I sat down with my father, John Hewlett, the founder and formulator of CardioMiracle

– we laughed

– we cried

– we reminisced

– we learned some new things while hundreds of his customers tuned in with real-time questions and testimonials of how my Dad’s business has helped save their health.

His product has also helped my health in a great way as a singer, speaker, performer.

If you have family with a history of heart disease, diabetes, or other ailments that may affect you, this is a powerful conversation.

He also offers a special promo code: HEW2020 if you want to try it out for yourself – CardioMiracle

Proud of my Dad and the work he’s doing to help others regain their health.

This is a video that, for me, is especially special, as how many people get to do something like this in their lifetimes?

COVID-19 has caused all kinds of challenges for all of us, and equally helped create this moment as my Dad wanted to reach his audience in a virtual way.  Glad we could make this happen together.

Enjoy the video!



jason hewlett 

Leadership Expert * Virtual Keynote Speaker * Speaker Hall of Fame

The Promise


2 Responses

  1. I was just thinking about your dad last night. I was delighted to receive this in my inbox this morning. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Todd! Tell me how you know my Dad, I’m not seeing your last name on here. Thank you for the kind comment. It was a fun video and timely.

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